I think the Prayers for my mom extended to me just enough!!!


Coturnix Obsessed
11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Indiana, Pennsylvania
I was in the bathroom and I heard a Baltimore Orieol singing...i ran and got my camera, and went to the backdoor I saw him in our honeysuckle bush just as gorgeous as ever singing away....well I opened hte door a crack to film him, and when I did I scared him, he flew to the front of the house so I ran out the door to jump on the picnic table that ALSO had my 10 gallon glass tank I use to brood young chicks sitting out in the sun...anywho NOT THINKING, I slipped and crashed my left arm directly into the side of the tank!!!! The tank shaddered....glass litterally exploded around me....

I'm not cut anywhere...

Just a bruised arm where my arm crashed into the tank (barely bruised but it does hurt), and I think theres a shard of glass in my pinkie toe other than that im fine and dandy!!!!

God was deffinatly watching out for me!

My mom will be home soon from the hospital, it wasnt plurisy it was something else that starts with a C this time...it's infamation around her lung tissue which is very pain ful btu theres no cure so she's jut got to wait it out with some pain meds thank God it was nothing serious this time! Thank youa gain for all the prayers they exttended to me as well indeffiantly!
Hey clumsy, did you get you falling on video? That would have been hilarious (since you didnt get hurt) LOL. Im glad you and your mom are alright. Hopefully you mom (and you) will feel better soon.
pahahaha I wish!!!!

I even checked my camera after I was dont being phased to see if i did record it but no sadly I didnt get time to hit record

that would have been good though!

all I have to tide ya'll over is a cute video of my ducklings following hubby around and putting themselves in a pen

B. Saffles Farms :

Well what good are you, I wanted to see you falling and breaking stuff, LOL

hahaah well picture this...

thump thump, tha...THURUMMPP CRASSHHHH UGH!!" LOL does that help some? LOL​
sheesh be more carefull what would youre quail do without you.
I am praying for your family , I know what its like my mother is chroicly ill as well and I have my own share of small things like arthritis and burcitis and ashma .
Warm showers helped me when I had an inflamation in the lineing of my lungs . That and morphine

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