IA here

Hi Stephanie

Dottie is wounderful. She has not come up to me and conversed again. i guess she made friends with the yong Lt Bramas. She has not started to lay yet. I hope she will use the nest box. My flock is free ranging. So who knows what she might pick out for her nest.

I am going to look up oak hill today. I have not heard back about the orpington eggs.

Every thing has been so perfect lately, the weather, the chickens, the rabbits, the garden ect. ect. but sometimes I am in a bad mood. I dont know why? Maybe my age ? hhhhmmmm I should wait until winter to be in bad mood, right!? Lisa
Does anyone have a number or way to reach a poultry tester here in Iowa? I have tried calling someone near in Ill. but the number won't go through. I have contacted the ISU extension of Ag. but they only tried using the IPA website which has no listings right now.

I know this is soon..but I have had to figure a lot of other stuff out, I am leaving wednesday at 6am to Pennsylvania, so any help tomorrow is REALLY appreciated! - I don't really need to be here for them to be tested...but I would rather that if I can get any info. Thanks
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Tira... call Brenda Knollenberg at the IPA # 515.727.4701 ext. 10. She can help you. And I think you need to be there or someone does who can help the tester with the birds and sign the docs.
Look up chooksiniowa on here. She doesn't get on BYC anymore but you should be able to e-mail here. I know she has lots o' goats including babies, but not sure what kind and if she is selling them.
Tira... call Brenda Knollenberg at the IPA # 515.727.4701 ext. 10. She can help you. And I think you need to be there or someone does who can help the tester with the birds and sign the docs.

Well...there is a prob, we don't have long distance or something. I tried calling several places and IPA but it could not connect, so I thought it'd be easier to see if anyone knew any numbers. My grandma somehow got a hold of 2 numbers today, so we are going to see. Can she just sign the papers if it can't be done today? There isn't anything I can do, don't have the money to change my flight.
where are you at?
Are you flying to Penn. with the birds or is this for a fair but you won't be home in time to take care of it? You don't want someone who would fudge a form for convenience, how could you trust them to do the job right in the first place?
Well Im going there and might stay not sure, if I come back I will just move in with my aunt in Louisana if they were still here I could just take them there since she would drive.

I don't really have a choice, and the person who would do it is my grandma, and she is teh one trying to help me with all this

nvm.......My grandma got it all figured out and stuff but.....it feels so useless i tried to get all that stuff done and figured out and now I don't want to send them here lol......how nice. Oh well, I have 3 days to figure out what to do.
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Hi every one

I did get a hold of Aok hill Hatchery. They are some nice folks I am picking up 12 st. run cornish on 7 21. I have not told my hubby yet. He might kill me. Do you think that I can hide 12 peeps? Maybe in the basement. haha

The eggs that I got from stephanie should hatch this monday. My grandson never got tierd of turning them. He is going home on the 18th. He has been a little stinker, but i will miss him.

My parents are coming here wed. they have never been to IA. I told them that they will not want to leave.

I dont understand what is going on with the lady who needs to move her chickens, I must have missed some of the story? I wish that I could help.

I was going to say goodby to everyone. I called to have my enternet turned off, because of exspence. They gave me a really good price. Imagine that! So I kept it . I should have done that a long time ago. Lisa

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