IA here

Serama's are doing great. I have them separated. Whitey, the Wheaten looking one and the Pyncheon are together. In the other pen, I have the little sweet one that gets picked on, the calico one in with my Dutch and a couple of juvenile LF for warmth. They are in solid sided old vet cages to help keep them warm. I've gotten a few eggs, but haven't hatched them. I smashed one in my pocket.

I have the Iowa Blues split up at the moment. The larger 4 are in with my Barred Rock Juvies and the others are by themselves. Did you handle them a lot, or are they just bred to be this friendly?
The only handling I did was to let them peck my fingers and pick them up off the floor when they boiled over at feeding and watering time. Must be like Steph said, they really got close to her too. The info I read, before purchasing, was that they were docile and friendly. Seems about everyone is finding this out.
Are you getting the same impression Tira?

ETA: Found out today I did not get the job.
. I was really hoping this was it. Hope I don't have to wait another year for a good opportunity to come along.
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The only handling I did was to let them peck my fingers and pick them up off the floor when they boiled over at feeding and watering time. Must be like Steph said, they really got close to her too. The info I read, before purchasing, was that they were docile and friendly. Seems about everyone is finding this out.
Are you getting the same impression Tira?

ETA: Found out today I did not get the job.
. I was really hoping this was it. Hope I don't have to wait another year for a good opportunity to come along.

Hope the right thing comes your way.

Right now The Big Roo is being fiesty with me - doesn't want to be picked up, but I think it is his age.

I lost another one to the virus. So that is 3 birds all together I have lost to this thing. I have read there is a 10-20% loss. We are sitting at 10% now.

The outside birds seem to be doing better a ton better. I am seriously thinking of moving everyone outside at this point, but the garage birds are used to some heat and I am afraid they won't adjust to the cold well. It is not like super warm in there but just warm enough their water doesn't really freeze.
Yes the moderns are doing very well,my sone has them in the basement it stays about 45/50* down there they really do talk. The americana roo is sooo tame he is at the farm but when we set and watch the flock he jumps right on your shoulder. Troy has become very fond of him . Yes the little chick did make it after Troy got him home,I believe it is a sarama it looks just like the other 2 and is getting a nice tail already.
I am originally from the Kalona area. I will be there this weekend. Are you wanting something from the country store? I too love the fresh cheese curds from the kalona cheese factory. YUMMM. Let's not forget the Golden Delight Bakery. See why I had to move away?
Same impression? How the birds act? My Iowa Blues seem a tad bit flighty...went and saw them tonight, thought I would let the buttercups out and that little iowa blue roo kind of attack Brooster
He is a naughty little roo! lol. He is fine when you pick him up, he doesn't fight as much as the, what I hope are girls.
You need to work with them more. They learn quickly who the feederer is and can't wait to get their grub! That makes you the boss chicken.............

ETA: Brooster is a gentle soul but will make an attempt to protect the girls. You might have to let them have at it or the girls will beat the Blue up! They don't take guff from anyone or thing! I've seen those two gang up on more than one bird!
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Anyone heard from Lisa Lisk? I know she lost some or all of her Blues when they drowned in a rainstorm but I was wondering how Chubby and Poofy were doing?

Is she back from Texas? Is her health becoming an issue?

Stephanie..... hows your tooth and your chickens health? Sorry but we will not be able to stay at your house after Christmas. Guy from Kalona is busy so it won't be that time. I know you were working hard on getting beds made in the chicken coop! LOL
But seriously, how are you doing?

My birds are all coming out of their sneezes, getting used to the change in the weather. I should have let the girls out the last couple of days but I didn't. Have let in lots of light while it's warm. We had a really nice rain yesterday. Kinda washed everything off and did not get icy. Am keeping an eye on the weather for this weekend. No snow yet.

Sending some Delaware eggs, Monday morning, to some nice folks from Cedar Rapids that were at the show in IA City. They just loved the Dellies and like to hatch. It was the first show they had ever been to.
Anyone else got a rip snorter going on? I haven't seen a blizzard like this since eh the winter of '76 I be a reckonin'! 1876 that is! LOL Reminds me of when I told David to go ask his Mom if he could look at her service medals. I told him I couldn't remember if she fought for the North or the South!

It's really nasty out up here 45 mph winds and snowing........ and I told the boys I'd go get some movies too! I'll have to put on my boots and my Elmer Fudd hat so I can be seen in my white truck! Car is neatly tucked away in the garage. The Orloffs don't like it cause they can't see the other birds at the other end of the garage. There probably out roasting chestnuts or something?????

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