IA here

Just finished watching a show on IPTV, Nature, titled, "My life as a Turkey". Stumbling upon it by accident, I missed the first 15 minutes of this absolutely fascinating and touching documentary. You should all try and watch this program it was really worth watching. If you have a heart, get your kleenex warmed up!
All bantams Kari. Sorry. i should clarify that a couple of the dark brahmas may be LF. They seem biggwr than the others.

Any large fowl or all bantam?
What is the expected size for Bantam AM hens? I have a blue hen from my very first batch that is no bigger than a pigeon. She is just the cutest thing
GAH! I had the Orloff seperated out from everyone because all they do is peck her feathers out. I don't know how/why, but she was in the pen with the birds today..she was in a room with the door shut with some turkeys (they are in cages since their still young), and the door out in the other room is shut too. So even if she got out, I don't know how someone would figure she belonged out there. Anyway I am very mad right now with that. I walked in the first thing I can see is her back is all bloody........and every feather she had started to regrow is gone. I had wanted to try and show her, maybe thinking there was a chance they would grow out enough in the next few months. Guess not now.
Orloffs can be easily bullied, especially when young. Had 2 hatch recently that appear to be much larger than any I have ever hatched before. One is cuckoo colored and patterned and bigger than the others, but due to it's height, has a bare butt! The other birds don't draw blood but that butt is eye level and so are the feathers!
My speckeled sussex is in the coop with the orloffs... they can't tell each other apart! She of course has a different comb but they don't seem to notice that. the Sussex also does not roost with the rest. She prefers to sleep in the nest box. After the EIPA show, the white Orloffs will go in with the others to see how they get along.
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Ice here today! No one stopping at stop signs, just coasting through... city crews not out yet. Maybe will warm up this afternoon. For now, very few vehicles out and all are creeping.
Orloffs can be easily bullied, especially when young. Had 2 hatch recently that appear to be much larger than any I have ever hatched before. One is cuckoo colored and patterned and bigger than the others, but due to it's height, has a bare butt! The other birds don't draw blood but that butt is eye level and so are the feathers!
My speckeled sussex is in the coop with the orloffs... they can't tell each other apart! She of course has a different comb but they don't seem to notice that. the Sussex also does not roost with the rest. She prefers to sleep in the nest box. After the EIPA show, the white Orloffs will go in with the others to see how they get along.

I know she had been bullied. I had put her in with younger chicks (smaller than her) but it didn't take long, maybe a month til they got a bit bigger then they started pecking at her. I put her outside with the other birds, they pecked a little, but just the pecking order and she mostly hid/stayed away from them or roosted on the hay feeder (it was in tehre to help support the fencing), but it didn't go well when they had to go back inside. So, I guess she will live with the turkeys, then when they move out I might put her in a cage. I have to get my serama back in there too, its ok out, but I don't want it to get cold at night ..really cold and lose him.
I need to upload the buttercup pics too..I started, but BYC is so slow and the order of pics was getting mixed up and it irritated me so I stopped lol.
Unshine and 50's here - where did you get ice?

Not sure where it came from but it was under my feet first, then my butt! We sit on the cusp of the cold Canadian air mass that dips South and the Western storm edge from Colorado, then a Southerly airflow as well! So from SF to Minneapolis they got snow, us being just South of that line, got freezing rain. It's weird!

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