If I lick a chocolate bar....

Not only that, but if you buy a regular size candy bar and look closely you'll notice they have shrunk. If you want a candy bar that's the same size as the ones from childhood you have to buy the "king size" ones.
Thanks for the pixie stix! I feel totally silly buying a huge bag of them in the store. Now I only buy them when I have the GS with me so it looks legit.
Where can I find the ol' fashioned pixie stixs that are a couple feet long and in a plastic stix?

Amazon.com sells candy gift packs by the generation. I want one from the 60s.
Gritsar, do you really want one? We've got them all over the place here, my kids always try to get me let them buy one and I always argue that they are too big. I will send you one if you want, PM me your address

I didn't know about the amazon generation candy... I've got to go look that up now!

Looked it up, the concept is GREAT but the reviews for them are poor! Apparently the shipping is sky high...
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Nah, but I do appreciate the offer.

Yeah, I noticed that those gift packages had the high shipping. I do have one dear elderly friend that I think I might send one to this christmas. I know it would brighten her holiday and she deserves a smile.
This reminds me of a story. I am the youngest of six, four older sisters and a brother.
My sisters abused me so bad when I was a kid (not that they are much different now
Whenever middle sister was babysitting me she would give me a dime and send me to the 7-11 to buy her ten pieces of double bubble bubble gum. I'd walk the eight city blocks to the store, buy her gum and carry it home to her. She never ever gave me a piece for my trouble.
Then I got smart. I'd buy the gum, then sit outside the store and bite a tiny chunk off of each piece. I'd mold the gum back into it's original shape and re-wrap it. Those ten tiny chunks would equal a good sized piece for me.
Boy, when she caught on she gave me a butt whooping I've never forgotten.
i like the lean cuisine but.. i am always hungry after haha. eat some pine nuts. or get some of the pine nut oil capsules.. it's supposed to help you feel satisfied. Good luck. im not willing to give up my sweets and treats yet lol.

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