I'm free today


9 Years
Feb 23, 2010
I woke up early this morning and went for a quiet drive.
Ended up at cementary, standing by my father in laws grave.
Wounded in action in a place called Vietnam.

As close as we were, that was a time he seldom spoke of. He might
say a few words, but never about the battles he was in. In all the
years I knew him, he never once spoke about the day he was shot.

I stood there and thought about him. Looked around at all the small
American flags decorating many of the graves there. So I took the time to
walk about, read the names of these Veterans. Some of the names I knew,
people that had crossed my life somewhere along the way.

We meet real heroes in our life, and don't even know it.

Our Veterans are those real heroes. Both those who gave their life for our
freedom, and those who served and came home.

So to the veterans in my family today, and in yours, I say a very personal
and heartfelt, thank you.

I thank you for my freedom that I've had every single day of my life.

More importantly, I thank you for making America the fine county that it
is today.

We owe to each one of you a debt we can never pay.

Because of you, I'm free today.

Thank You,


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