After reading through this thread, I thought about my wife. There are times that my mom is an awful MIL. Although me and my wife got married in the church and had our sons after marriage, because my wife and I have created a stable family, our son is shunned in favor of my sisters (out of wedlock) daughter. I hold no ill will to my parents because they always favored my sister. I expected it to continue with our kids. My wife on the other hand doesn't understand and this causes tension sometimes.

Of course, there are times when they team up and get on me together. Man, I hate those times.
In fact, that's happening today.
Your MIL is not worth worrying about. It is unfortunate that she is someone you will have to deal with; just try to let it roll off your back. I think I would look into the situation with the young girl. This situation is totally wrong, and if MIL loves it, in the long term it does not bode well for this child and her child. Her parents are also out of their everlovin' minds, but that would be a whole different rant.
I have not spoken to my MIL in over 6 years.

My DH was adopted ans when we got married he expressed an intrest in finding the bio-family. So I started to search

Well I found them 10 years later (i was not searching constantly just as a rainy day project) anyway my DH's b-day 2001 the bio mom was coming for a visit. He did not tell the adoptive mom that we had found the bio family. When we found out that she was coming for a visit DH called adoptive mom and told her. her response was...well i can see I am no longer needed you used me for 30 years and now I am not good enough...<<slam goes the phone>> and we have not spoken to her since.

In Aug 2002 mt DD was born we sent them pictures and a nice note saying that we are sorry she felt hurt but we would like her to meet her grand-daughter. her reply was....

what ever do you mean I dont have ANY children so therefore I cant have grand-children I am sorry you must have me mistaken for someone else, your bio mom perhaps...
Wow see now I am adopted and my parents encourage me to talk, meet, and email my bio mom. I dont have very much interest in meeting but we do keep in close contact. My mom refers to my kids as bio mom's grandkids as well as hers... there are so many different mindsets out there. Wow....
I agree with you, but about them paying for the wedding and what not, it's not about me or our wedding, it's about my husband getting his braces that he has longed for... We did find out he is 100% covered by our insurance yesterday, but the fact that they wouldn't help my husband, but they would pay for the kids to get married?!?! This is where that anger comes from... My husband being responsible and never having asked for any help should be the one who gets help... This woman can't indebt me on anything, because I refuse to let her, but hubby should get help from her, he is her son for God sakes!!!
LOL You better behave then!!! My MIL is already showing favoritism for the lil brothers baby, because she is getting to control everything they do and the baby is right there... I hate that; my mom never played favorites and I don't see how someone could do that to their child or grandchild or adoptive child or ANY child!!!
If it makes you feel any better, if you take the high road and just keeping being a good, sweet person. Taking care of your husband and family. It really goes back in the face of a horrible mother in law. I promise.

We have been married 9 years and its taken this long for his mother to approach being civil. When we were getting married she talked us into talking to my husbands pastor about marrying us. It was really a chance for him to tell us we were fornicators and he could never condone our marriage. When I was in labor with my son she told me "don't worry, if you die, I'll take care of the baby." I refused to let is bother me. I refused to let it become an issue in my marriage. She was hateful and I would send her pics of the kids, mothers day cards, videos of first steps, pics of her son. It finally came to the point when my husband decided I was a bloody saint and nothing could ever be done to change how his mother acted so he distanced himself, we didn't visit, he would only call when I insisted on her birthday and a couple holidays.

Now she has to work for a relationship. I'm not evil about it. I still stay nice but I swear my husband watches her like a hawk, just waiting for a slip, and she knows it. I just sit back and drink my tea.

It does turn around. Just have to be patient. As long as your hubby is behind you, just cling to that. You have something of hers that she cherished and eventually she will realize she will lose that forever unless she changes.

Every anniversary I say a quiet little " I WIN".

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