Impacted vent - I think


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Jun 10, 2023
The Sticks
My Coop
My Coop
I have a chick that is about a week old, and its vent is clogged. I tried giving it a bath with a little salt, coconut oil, and warm water because I noticed some caked poop, but then I noticed that the vent was clogged... Really bad.
I pulled some out with tweezers, and used olive oil to loosen it up, but it seems like it's clogged up a half inch back. It's all white, no brown, and rock hard. She's warming up in a clean box on the bathroom counter with a heat lamp, and stumbling around a bit.
I don't want to dig around too much, because I'm afraid I'll hurt her.
I'm just praying and hoping that a miracle will happen.
If anyone knows what to do, please help :fl
What you need to do with a massive plug of poop is to attack it from both ends. Grease her but up well and good, and give her a teaspoon of coconut oil to swallow. Chill it in pea size bits and shove them into her beak.

Give the oil about thirty minutes to work and then put a little pressure on the area surrounding her vent. This can help dislodge the plug so it pops out.
How do I get it in her mouth?
Every time I try to, she shuts her beak and I can't get in
I only got about a quarter teaspoon in with my sisters help.
I had to hold the beak open and she put the oil in.
Is this what I'm supposed to do, or is there another way?
That's how you do it. Pry open the beak. Shove in whatever you need to treat her with. Chickens can easily swallow most anything that would choke a human.
I gave her about a teaspoon of coconut oil, and I showed her where the water is and helped her drink some.
and now we wait... :fl

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