Impostor in my flock of BR pullets???? 13 wks old

This one is a hard one! Normally Barred Rocks do follow the rule of lighter males and darker females, BUT that can deviate if you have very mixed BRs. There are a couple of genetic crosses that produce Barred Rock-like birds who do not follow the coloration rules.

It is true that mature hens have big ol red combs, however, that is an indication of a bird in laying condition. 13 weeks is way too soon for a hen to have such a mature looking comb. It's possible that it's a rare instance of a early maturing bird, but that is very very rare.

My vote is that it's not a pure BR, and that it's male. I'll cross my fingers for you though, that it's a female!
When it comes to the barred genes,it depends on how many of the barred 'alleles?' the male carries. I've been told if the male carries only one allele it will be darker in the coloring,while carrying double alleles causes the lightening of the barring.. As for the actual gender vote...Well I'm 'sitting ON the fence'...
Well thanks to everyone who now I am not the only one sitting on the fence on this bird lol.... I will keep you all posted as it develops and we will see who had the right guess!!
so far so good, the barred rock in question still has not attempted to crow at 17 weeks old...yay...and now the other girls are really sporting their red combs like their "big" sister
Is the BR in question a mixed? If its a pure BR...then I vote hen...but if not...well, I will be sitting here eating my popcorn, waiting for the first egg/crow too!
keep us posted
I hatched out some barred rocks last fall that I got from a freind and got three roos. One was lite grey the other two were the same color as your little guy and are now back with that freind doing their job as his flock roos and happily protecting and mating their girls. It's a boy !

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