In a word, how would you describe your garden as of today?

I have to change my one word to BOUNTIFUL.

Some garden porn for you all:
First everything drowned in a record rainfall event, 14" in 4 days, and now it's insanely hot and dry. Everything is beyond stressed and I think I'm just going to pull everything up and start some seeds for my fall garden. I was really looking forward to tomatoes, hopefully I can try another round before it gets too cool. I got 3 spaghetti squash and about 10 cherry tomatoes before the rain, everything was just starting to set fruit. So glad I can just but food, making me rethink how I garden in respect to the wild weather fluctuations we've been experiencing in my area.
First everything drowned in a record rainfall event, 14" in 4 days, and now it's insanely hot and dry. Everything is beyond stressed and I think I'm just going to pull everything up and start some seeds for my fall garden. I was really looking forward to tomatoes, hopefully I can try another round before it gets too cool. I got 3 spaghetti squash and about 10 cherry tomatoes before the rain, everything was just starting to set fruit. So glad I can just but food, making me rethink how I garden in respect to the wild weather fluctuations we've been experiencing in my area.
Our yard flooded the past two years and the garden took the majority of the water. Last year there was a foot of standing water in the garden. We have several raised beds and began minding dirt into raised rows at least a foot tall. We got lucky this year and didn't have a flood event, but we are taking steps to prepare the garden for success in such events to be safe. Last year I planted several rows of potatoes and lost them all to the flood. That's one thing I still sow at ground level, but I experimented with a few DIY grow bags this year made from repurposed feedbags. I might start using those more if the harvest is good since they can be moved to higher ground if needed.
@rosemarythyme I'm telling you, lol. I got these new melons from baker creek and they have gone nuts! 1 melon plant it's taking over that whole planter. There's also cucumbers, basil, dill, marigolds, Oregon, and lemon balm in themelons
@rosemarythyme I'm telling you, lol. I got these new melons from baker creek and they have gone nuts! 1 melon plant it's taking over that whole planter. There's also cucumbers, basil, dill, marigolds, Oregon, and lemon balm in there🤣

(Looks outside at 1 sad little melon plant still trying to grow... said melon has been outpaced by a squash planted only a few weeks ago.)

Welp, I should have squash at least this summer. 😅
First melon


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Bountiful! We finally got a rain after 3wks without a drop and things are finally starting to happen!
Crazy how fast things swell up with a little water. The zucchini in the photo were only 4-5" yesterday and the cucumbers were perfect for picking last night. Now they are HUGE!

Tomatoes are still just a "trickle harvest" with 20 here 30 there. Hopefully this rain will turn them on to get the whole garden turning red and i can get down to some serious canning.


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Today I'm calling it "progressing". An unexpected but massive thunderstorm this morning broke a dry spell and should help everything grow a bit. There's a lot of peppers I've been waiting to see get larger before I pick them. Zucchini and yellow squash have tiny squashes on them that should grow rapidly with the good soaking they got. Potatoes might be the only thing that didn't need water since they are pretty much all done. I just haven't gotten to digging up the remaining 2/3 of them. The dry ground seemed like a good place to "store" them for now and this storm was unexpected so I didn't bother digging them up beforehand.

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