In an emergency, is it safe to eat the geese at my local park?

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While I respect what peta does I agree they go to far. I heard they tried to sue a guy for a photo that a monkey took of itself that went viral. Saying the money they earned sharing the photo belonged to the monkey. What they should have done was asked the guy to donate some money to the monkey sanctuary out of choice not demand. End of the world everyone for themselves eat the monkey eat the goose.
I don't respect what PETA does at all. They're literally domestic terrorists are are not interested in helping improve animal welfare. They are only interested in the complete liberation AKA extinction of all domestic animals and furthermore are pushing for an extremist, classist, and racist way of life.

While on that topic, the HSUS is also a lobbyist group, doesn't run actual shelters, and is essentially the more socially acceptable/toned down face of PETA. Same end goal.
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