Incomplete impacted crop treatment - please help!

I set my alarm for 15 mins before sunrise. This morning did go much better. Still a lot of wrestling with the girls. RIRs are incredibly determined. I still have 1 to dose. She was in the nesting box. I got pooped on twice, but the towel caught it and I was spared.

Laney's impaction is quite small, now! Still there, but not nearly the concern it had been.

Thank you so much @azygous and @Wyorp Rock for all your help! ♡
@azygous Can Safe-Guard cause black poop? I don't remember this happening back in January, the first time I wormed the girls. I have at least 1 girl, possibly as many as 3, pooping black - judging by the roost dropping box I just cleaned out.

I have not let them out of the run for a couple days. I haven't given them any treats
Thank goodness how’s she now’
It's odd. She still has a very small mass in her crop that isn't passing. And it seems she is tiring of the coconut oil. But I'm still getting the stool softener, pro-biotic and monistat in her.

One of my other girls had some poops with yellow-ish urates, yesterday. I think it was my Gerty, who is having some reproductive issues. I'm about go go out and check on the dropping box, now.

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