Incubating in my bra: An experiment.

I just read opening page of this post, along with a few replies.
There have been threads on this site every year or two about someone attempting to incubate eggs in their bra.
Sometimes it's referred to as a bra-bator.

Here's one thread:

Most of the time it hasn't been successful because the temperature in a bra would be too low.  I just checked mine and got a reading 96.5*F.  Insulating the egg may not help, because it is distancing the egg from the heat source, which would probably drop the temperature another degree. I think it would be better to have the egg in direct contact with the skin.  I think in one of the other threads I read, the eggs eventually developed cracks and didn't hatch.

I sure do  applaud those who try. 

Here's a post I found in another thread.  The OP had one hatch and another poster had a few hatch:

"The OP had one hatch and another poster had a few hatch." Hooray!!! So there is hope for the Boobsie twins! :jumpy Gotta' think positive.
"The OP had one hatch and another poster had a few hatch." Hooray!!! So there is hope for the Boobsie twins!
Gotta' think positive.

Well only a few more days and we will find out if it was Bra worth it

We are all watching and hopping for the best of Twins


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