Incubating Lavender Ameraucanas Dry Hatch or No?

Frankie update! Now 5 and half weeks old, had her feathers tested for gender at IQ bird testing and she is a girl! Yay. 😀She is a plain white chicken, but honestly my favorite, even though she is not an ameraucana! My silver laced orpington is a pullet too! So happy, I did not really want to have to rehome them if they were roos!
Two of my silkie boys went to their new home, a breeder who wanted some new blood lines in his flock, kept one silkie roo, so I can get some silkie babies next Spring!
All is well, no more hatching for me for this year anyway. Integrating the different aged chicks is a challenge and time consuming!❤View attachment 2279874
I took my chicks out to the brooder which is in my coop for the first time today. As soon as Maui & Italy heard them they were right over there walking around like mini t-rex...not looking forward to integration either! I don’t have electricity in my coop yet so I have a brooder in the garage & that is where they have been. It was a nice day today so thought I’d take them out there.
We can wear shorts here in Wickenburg usually until the 2nd week of December😳
That must be nice! Sometimes we’ve had snow before then! Depends on the year, but shorts are usually coming to an end sometime in September/Oct & not back until May.
I’m not even going to tell you guys how long we can wear shorts here!😂
I took my chicks out to the brooder which is in my coop for the first time today. As soon as Maui & Italy heard them they were right over there walking around like mini t-rex...not looking forward to integration either! I don’t have electricity in my coop yet so I have a brooder in the garage & that is where they have been. It was a nice day today so thought I’d take them out there.
It’s taking forever! We have our five younger ones separated from the eight older ones but they can still see each other. They are all sleeping outside now for the past four nights the small ones have been out as well. They don’t need heat anymore as our temperatures are in the low to mid 60s at night. I actually have to sit out there with them when I put them out together. I tried making one of those cut outs in cardboard for the “panic room“ method that I have seen posted on many threads here. Unfortunately the older chicks aren’t that much bigger than the younger ones so they can also fit through the panic doors!🤣😂😬
So they are basically two separate groups that have to learn how to coexist in the same space! I’ve heard that this will be the circumstances until they start laying eggs and then they may integrate into one flock. Takes a lot of patience having chickens! But so worth it.🥰
I find it quiet relaxing to sit out there with them, the younger ones will get in my lap and I get some chicken therapy at the same time!❤️
I’m not even going to tell you guys how long we can wear shorts here!😂
Oh heck yeah! I forgot, never under 70 right?!🤣 It was actually 9 degrees at my place a couple years ago in the desert and it snowed on new years day a few years ago too! People don’t realize how cold the desert gets.

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