INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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What ChickenCanoe said. I used a large aquarium, they grow slow. Some people feed them hotdogs but people shouldn't eat store bought hotdogs Lol! Fresh fish caught with minnow trap. Turtle will set still head out until a fish rests on it's nose then BAM. If they chase them around they never catch them. Not a petting pet, it's unreal how fast they are when you least expect it, their head will about reach their tail backwards over their shell in a split second, faster than you can blink. Don't ever trust them.
They need something to climb out on dry out and warm up.
They need to be where sunlight will hit them near a window or use a UV/UVB light to get vitamin D, otherwise it's shell will deteriorate and it'll die.

Yes I forgot to mention the need for vitamin D and calcium.
It's very easy to overfeed them so expecting one to eat daily is a real problem with those in captivity.

Many years ago, my grandparents had a fishing lodge on the Gasconade river in the Ozarks. This was back in the '40s and '50s. They are protected in Missouri now but back then, there were a lot of snapping turtles taken from the river and I have lots of stories about that time. The most profound is the guy that caught and killed (so he thought) a huge common snapper. He wanted to show it off as he carried it home to be used for meat. He hung it by its tail in the rear window of his pickup truck. As he drove the windy roads, the turtle swung side to side and took a bite out of the back of the guy's neck and killed him.
. My swimmers are about the only things that's still at 100 percent
yeasts. Edwardo red rover. Great name.
Sounds like the perfect name for something you'd be related to.
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