INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I got 12 eggs in my incubator going on lock down tomorrow but I dont think they going to hatch because my chickens are molting and I have just read an article about molting that said roosters dont fertilize eggs when they in molt, huh ug

That's not necessarily true. More important is that bare backed hens try to avoid having a rooster jump on top.
I got 12 eggs in my incubator going on lock down tomorrow but I dont think they going to hatch because my chickens are molting and I have just read an article about molting that said roosters dont fertilize eggs when they in molt, huh ug
Did you candle them on days 7 and 14? Did you see veins or movement in the eggs? You have to candle the eggs to see if they are developing, and if you don't see veins after 7 days in the incubator, they're most likely infertile.
I will not be able to join the new year's day haul.
CH, if you want to join the New Year's HAL, this is what I suggest. The eggs that the hen is sitting on, or sometimes sitting on, should be thrown away. They are probably not any good by now. After you get rid of those eggs, pick up any eggs she lays AFTER Friday, and put them in a cool place that is 50F - 60F. The eggs will stay fresh if they are kept between those temperatures. On December 11, put all the eggs you have collected into the incubator. If you do it this way, you should have chicks hatching on New Year's Day.
I candled them on day 4 and 7 but it seemed like the shells at very thick couldnt see anything so I decided to go the distance and hope for the best
I see. Well, since they haven't exploded, and if they don't smell rotten, you may have a few chickies on your hands in a few days! Best of luck, and let us know how it goes. Oh, and it doesn't count without pictures of the new chicks! LOL!!!
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