Incubator & movement in egg. - RIP Chip/Chipette

I have also read Kevins post, it was very upsetting to me after knowing that I set Crested duck eggs. I should of not done it but I think I would of maybe had a better chance if they weren't so young. The parents are not even a year old yet.
I also hope that someone will come in and know what to say because I definitely don't, the breeder I talked to doesn't know much, the vet knows nothing, the TSC people know absolutely nothing, so my last hope is with all of you, especially if I have more coming I will know what to do and what not to do.
I am giving him all the love and care he could ever get, I hold him for hours and hours and I am sitting here typing this while holding him with his neck positioned in the right spot, but nothing seems to help.
I have to put water in a teaspoon and use that to give it to him.
Then for food is the same thing, the food is mixed with water and then he eats it.
We haven't given him a lot but when it's time for him to start eating, it's going to be difficult with his neck like this.
I have barricaded him with towels and stuffed animals enough so that he doesn't fall completely on his back and flail all night while I sleep, but so he can kick the towel if he falls and he will get back up.
His neck and head is so far tilted back that it's halfway down his back and chest is pushed forward.
He does peep a lot ! He is always having trouble staying comfortable because he can't just sit normally.
He is resting now in my arms while I get ready to get him set for bed.
I will update you on how he is in the morning and hopefully there will be some improvement. He is actually grooming himself now, his neck stretched but it just doesn't stay up straight.
I don't know if the medication will help or not but it's cheap and I can get it Wednesday (hopefully all of it).
Walmart didn't have the Polyvisol though and a Rite Aid is not very close to here.
Nutri-Drench Drops I thought would be better.
I have also read Kevins post, it was very upsetting to me after knowing that I set Crested duck eggs. I should of not done it but I think I would of maybe had a better chance if they weren't so young. The parents are not even a year old yet.
I also hope that someone will come in and know what to say because I definitely don't, the breeder I talked to doesn't know much, the vet knows nothing, the TSC people know absolutely nothing, so my last hope is with all of you, especially if I have more coming I will know what to do and what not to do.
I am giving him all the love and care he could ever get, I hold him for hours and hours and I am sitting here typing this while holding him with his neck positioned in the right spot, but nothing seems to help.
I have to put water in a teaspoon and use that to give it to him.
Then for food is the same thing, the food is mixed with water and then he eats it.
We haven't given him a lot but when it's time for him to start eating, it's going to be difficult with his neck like this.
I have barricaded him with towels and stuffed animals enough so that he doesn't fall completely on his back and flail all night while I sleep, but so he can kick the towel if he falls and he will get back up.
His neck and head is so far tilted back that it's halfway down his back and chest is pushed forward.
He does peep a lot ! He is always having trouble staying comfortable because he can't just sit normally.
He is resting now in my arms while I get ready to get him set for bed.
I will update you on how he is in the morning and hopefully there will be some improvement. He is actually grooming himself now, his neck stretched but it just doesn't stay up straight.
I don't know if the medication will help or not but it's cheap and I can get it Wednesday (hopefully all of it).
Walmart didn't have the Polyvisol though and a Rite Aid is not very close to here.
Nutri-Drench Drops I thought would be better.
I sure wish there was more I could say, but I will say that I will pray for your lil one and will be waitng for an update in the morning. Hope you all get some rest.
grooming himself? that is awesome, every little thing he does is an improvement. and to even wanting to eat and drink is great even though you have to help. You've added the save a chick to his water?
I thank you ALL especially you Miss Lydia for always being there with help and tips. It's been a long journey and I hope this little one comes out alright. I have put more rolled up towelettes around him for cushion and pillows so he's ready for sleep. He is sleeping on his side right now.
And yes, he was grooming himself like how they take their necks and extend them to their bellies, back, under wings, stuff like that.
I may of typed something wrong but we haven't gone to the TSC because it is about a 2 1/2 hour drive there and another 2 1/2 hour drive but we didn't know if they had the stuff so we called. They said they had the Save-A-Chick and that the Brewers Yeast was for dogs and cats so I didn't know if that was the right stuff. Then they were all out of Nutri-Drench Drops so I said I'd wait till Wednesday to get the stuff because that's when the next shipment was.
My father went to Walmart for Poly ViSol drops or tablets but he couldn't find it (especially with his searching skills..), so I guess it's up to me to find everything.
I thank you ALL especially you Miss Lydia for always being there with help and tips. It's been a long journey and I hope this little one comes out alright. I have put more rolled up towelettes around him for cushion and pillows so he's ready for sleep. He is sleeping on his side right now.
And yes, he was grooming himself like how they take their necks and extend them to their bellies, back, under wings, stuff like that.
I may of typed something wrong but we haven't gone to the TSC because it is about a 2 1/2 hour drive there and another 2 1/2 hour drive but we didn't know if they had the stuff so we called. They said they had the Save-A-Chick and that the Brewers Yeast was for dogs and cats so I didn't know if that was the right stuff. Then they were all out of Nutri-Drench Drops so I said I'd wait till Wednesday to get the stuff because that's when the next shipment was.
My father went to Walmart for Poly ViSol drops or tablets but he couldn't find it (especially with his searching skills..), so I guess it's up to me to find everything.
Walmart or any drug store should have the Poly vi sol since it's an infant vitamin, just be sure to get it w/o iron. You can also order Nutri Drench on line may places carry it. when your next ducklings hatch it would be good to have on hand. I'll be thinking of you all tonight.
Do you have any feed stores close by you might call and check around, Our feed store doesn't carry Nutri drench but does have save a chick.
White Crested do not feel bad about setting those eggs! I set crested eggs before I knew the effects and had to pay the price.

Now here's the hard part:

I have dealt with this case when I set my ducklings. Please spend all the time you possibly can with them. Add vitamins to their waterers and make sure they stay warm. However, I had the exact same issue and every duckling died. I know this is going to sound very harsh but I do want you to be prepared that it could also happen to yours as well. I'm so sorry you have to go through this and I wouldn't wish this on anyone
. My Inbox is always open if you have any questions or for support.
Thanks for that Kevin, I do appreciate it. I have set other eggs from breeders that didn't have the crested in them but they died while growing. So I guess I can't regret setting them, it's a part of life I guess. I will learn to deal with it but I'm just not used to death.
It was not harsh, you had to tell me the truth and I'm glad you did because I'm afraid I will get way too attached to him/her.
I'm giving him the most love and care possible, he has his teddy bear with him that will stay with him to the end or for the better.
My father is going out for the Poly-Vi-Sol drops without the iron, and the baby is currently laying on his back with his head all the way back.
I thank you all for this and hopefully the two one that hatch Saturday/Sunday won't have this or I'll be back here with all of you hoping for the best.
I'm prepared for both the worse and the best so don't worry about me.
Thanks all of you so much, and I will be praying tonight and will update in the morning with hopefully good news.
Will give him the drops tonight both by water and a straight drop.
By Wednesday (if he's still around), I will be getting the Sav-A-Chick and Brewers Yeast even for the next batch.
Thanks again.
I truly am sorry you have to go through this situation WC. You and your duckling will be in my thoughts tonight
Very sorry things are not looking up yet. The polyvisol/sugar concoction is your best chance of your little one making it. If you have a shot glass, add one drop with a dash of sugar to water and mix. Use a teaspoon and put a spoonful under his beak to offer at least once per hour.

We knew there were problems with his positioning because he burst a vein when internally pipping, and a malpositioned baby can either have permanent deformities (I have a crippled goose, by the way) or they may appear kinked and twisted wrong, but slowly resolve over a few days. The fact that he went on to hatch without assistance shows the duckling is a fighter. X2 with staying with him 24/7.
Thank you Kevin and Iain.
This morning he is still the same, last night we gave him one drop of the polyvisol drops straight. Then have him a little deluted with water.
He took the sugar water & polyvisol very well, he had half a teaspoon so I think that's pretty good.
He is definitely a fighter, he made it through the night and I think he actually slept.
I've read up that you might be able to make a neck brace for the baby but I didn't think it would work since his neck is already off-positioned.
I also noticed that I don't think it's his head that is the problem because he now tilts his head to the left and the right depending on where he is.
I think it's all in his neck due to be squished into a bad position in the egg.
ALSO, it's the 2nd day and his eyes don't stay open? Is this normal or..?
Thanks !
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Thank you Kevin and Iain.
This morning he is still the same, last night we gave him one drop of the polyvisol drops straight. Then have him a little deluted with water.
He took the sugar water & polyvisol very well, he had half a teaspoon so I think that's pretty good.
He is definitely a fighter, he made it through the night and I think he actually slept.
I've read up that you might be able to make a neck brace for the baby but I didn't think it would work since his neck is already off-positioned.
I also noticed that I don't think it's his head that is the problem because he now tilts his head to the left and the right depending on where he is.
I think it's all in his neck due to be squished into a bad position in the egg.
ALSO, it's the 2nd day and his eyes don't stay open? Is this normal or..?
Thanks !
Good morning, happy to hear he made it through the night. and that he took some water with the vits in it. you may not see improvement right away just stay with it. Like Iain says he is a fighter for sure. are you saying when he is fully alert his eyes won't stay open?

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