Indian Food - Anybody else love the stuff?

I dug out the packet: Sanjeev Kapoor's Khazana Chicken Tikka Masala.

The woman said he's India's version of Emeril.

She said to take the packet and follow the directions, but add a small can of tomato puree and 1/2 cube butter (she said to close my eyes when adding) and let it simmer longer. Then add the chicken and simmer, the add cream. I may give her a call to get more exacting directions and amounts.

We'll give it a try and let you know how it goes.
Thanks Nifty.. I am going to search online and see if that is what we just had.

And I correct myself.. it wasn't Patak's it was Chef Shaikh's Curry Sauce that we disliked
We went out with a couple on Friday that have never been before. We talked them into trying Indian food, but it wasn't a leap of faith to know they would like it since they like most foods already and also really like Thai (which has similarities).

Cyn, do you like Thai and do you like spicy (multi flavor, not necessarily hot) food?
Madhur Jaffries is a great cookbook writer and I have learned to ake all kinds of good stuff from her. She has many Indian cookbooks but my favorite is her "World of the East: Vegetarian cooking" book. You can always add a little chicken or other treat to anything in there and it is all splendid.

Year ago a friend gave me a recipe for samosas for a crowd and it is easy, if you do it with a few friends. Much Indian food is made to be cooked by a bunch of cooks together - but that's true of so many traditional cuisines - think of the peasant varieties of Mexican or Chinese or Polish or Jewish - as opposed to the haute cuisine variants which take a lot of fancy stuff . . okay, so the section is title RAMBLINGS, right?

I m going to go look for my samosa recipe for y'all. toodles.
Argh! The above message about Madhur Jaffries was actually from ME, CHICKIEBABY, not from A CERTAIN PERSON in my household who keeps logging herself onto my computer and then not logging out! Do not trust CHICKORAMA, especially if she asks you to sell her eggs!

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