Indian Runner duck got its leg chewed off!! Not even a stump left. :*(

If you can keep your Runner inside from now on, s/he may have a chance. Put hydrogen peroxide on the wounded area once or twice for the first day or two just to sterilize it, then only use water to clean because HP can also damage live tissue. Then I would put a very thorough ammount of wonder dust over that. This is the method we used for Scuttle, my duck that had a chank bitten out of her thigh. She wouldn't eat or drink the first day, and not much the second day. She also had fly maggots growing in her wound when I found her. A fews days laters she talked to me every time I walked on the porch. A week later she's back outside and barely limping. (She's probably rather be with people though, becuase she's gotten used to us and the other ducks are really giving her a hard time so far.) The wound has already healed up quite a bit. If you can't keep your duck inside unfortunately I think the kindest choice would be some form of humane euthanasia.
Good luck.
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Ducks don't "hurt" like we think of "hurt". Most likely he will be fine and live a pretty normal life. You don't have to bring it in the house or spend money on a prosthetic. It is an animal and animals are VERY TOUGH. I have killed wild mallards and wood ducks, even Canada geese with only one leg--most likely the results of snapping turtle attacks when babies.

As for the culprit, as mentioned, raccoon.
What a terrible shock it must have been for you to find that had happened. I have cared for a number of ducks with leg issues for many years - They all cope to different degrees- but all of mine have been through birth defects and the ducks have never known any other way of life first. You duck should it survive the shock may cope very well, but will need alot of care to ensure there is no infection and the wound has time to heal properly in a clean environment. On the other hand it may be distressed so providing the care it needs may mean keeping it separate from the other ducks. I have a duck currently that has two dislocated legs and cant walk at all. He does ok because he is not constantly hoping around which can put alot of stress on their hearts. My Runner with one leg had an issue with the foot webbing shrinking over time on her good leg because of her hoping around. There are hurdles to cross with a disabled duck- but they can also be very resilient and learn to cope well.
He made it through the night and seems more chipper than yesterday. He is responding well and gobbled up the peas and lettuce I chopped up for him. He also drinks the electrolyte water I gave to him. He jumped around quite well when I picked him up. He is making sounds too and has his head up. Right now I have him in a glass tank with food, water and a heat lamp. He and the flock can see and talk to each other. The wound is severe but like I said there is no leaking and no bleeding. I rubbed some polysporin on it and will try to keep him on clean paper and as dry as possible. The hurt smell is much less today as well.

The others are okay. They seemed so happy to be in the garage! Well of course! The others seemed to have escaped the attack okay, perhaps just some mental trauma. Nermal and the flock keep talking too! Keep in mind they are only 3 weeks old. I can only hope he can intergrate with the flock once again..maybe they can get used to his one leggedness?

I just wonder how an Indian "runner" will be able to balance or if he will be able to semi stand upright? How will his swimming skills be? I just want him to lead a semi normal life. I would be willing to keep him seperate in the garage if he gets picked on but I hope he will be able to be with his flock.

I am still so sick about this. I feel nauseated.

I bought a live trap to catch the fox as I saw him yesterday morning coming back for another round. I thought about a raccoon as the predator as well but we don't have any trees here and I have yet to see a raccoon around. I set a trap but when I looked out this morning no bait and no catch. I will go buy a nice rotissarie chicken today and leave some juicy bones in there so I hope tomorrow I catch him!
Nermal today. I guess its a good sign he didn't want his pic taken as he was hopping away from the camera. Don't mind the poop and the water spill which just happened 5 seconds before the picture.

This is the bad side. Notice some feathers worn off and the missing leg.

If he's just a little guy, maybe you can clean that wound, and wrap it up with some vet tape (probably around the body), with some cotton or gauze to cushion it, and then he could go back with his friends. He might be happier and thus recover more quickly with his friends around him.......

Good luck to you!

I will take a look at his wound a bit better today. I am hesitant to put him with the others yet because they are so messy and poopy! I don't want him to get an infection from the damp. I will give him a few more days and then let him be with the others. I let the flock out today and they just chilled out in the grass, I know Nermal wanted to go to but he is not quite ready..and it was cool out today.

I will keep updating everyone on the situation!

Right now my dad is in the process of building a huge house for them. The one they were in before was an intermediate one. I still can't believe I lost one and had one seriously mamed. I assume the fox was sniffing around, they all panicked and jumped on top of each other in the corner of the house (of course the side with the 1" gap), the little ones were at the bottom and the fox was able to bite a leg.

I seriously cannot wait to catch the fox and shoot it in the face. And by face I mean a quick kill but I certainly will not feel sad about it.

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