Indian Runner Lethargic and Weak

Well, he is moving a bit more, though now it seems that he has a sore throat or something. His "quacks" are more gutterel soundingm and he refuses to eat still.

He ate about 5 meal worms yesterday and instantly spewed. He would only then chew them in water until they were disintegrated before eating them, but at least he ate.

His droppings are virtually water now, since all he does is drink, and he has become very unsociable...

I dont understand it.

The local vet has no idea when it comes to Ducks either
What is the sniff test?
Smell the feed. Does it smell musty, moldy, or off in any way?

But for now he seems fine, shedding alot of feathers (though I attribute that to the heat?) but also cleaning himself better than he was earlier.

Heat? I want some of that. Where are you from?
If he's out getting snails & other goodies, you can supplement with wheat (whole),cracked corn ( as long as he doesn't get too fat) with oats and or barley. If you are worried about them not getting the nutrients they need you can supplement with some vionate. Pellets and ground feed are just more convenient. The problem with ground feed and pellets is that they lose their food value quickly.
I hope he's feeling better. I think the activated charcoal (food grade) is a good idea and if he seemed "clogged" up try giving him a couple of cc's mineral oil.
Sniff Test, food smells like oatmeal.

Outback Australia, MAYTE! Summer time, been rather mild too, considering the world ends in 8 days... My birthday Sunday though ;)

He has been too erratic to make any diagnosis, (I wont pay the vet to tell me what I already know), though he spent all day yesterday under the house, he has been coming out today to his pool, still refusing to eat.. Even worms. Though he doesnt look like he is losing weight, if anything he looks bigger.

Seems he has a sore throat, he can't wash his back with the twisting head motion right now, and his neck sometimes (we hardly seen him the last few days) swollen.
His eyes also seem darker, and more squinty... If that means anything.

Appreciate all the replies guys!
Here's a possibility. Where I grew up, in a very warm climate, pets often got various fungal infections. Antibiotics won't touch them. But antifungals would knock them out.
Where would I get some anti fungal stuff?

He is just drinking then spewing water... It doesn;t feel good
Can you get a vet to give you an antifungal that is safe?

Also, have you ruled out gapeworm? Don't know of you have that parasite where you are, but it can be problematic, and then an antihelminthic would be what he needs.

Farm and feed stores carry these kinds of things, but I am not a vet tech, and we have not had to use that stuff so far. So you'd want some dosage recommendations for either of these.
We gave them worming stuff the other day, though it was near impossible to give hi the stuff directly, as the smaller duck ALWAYS knocks over bowls and the only thing Chuck really drinks from is his pool.

I will phone around to find some anti fungal stuff from local stock feeds and pet stores!
Well, got him some medicine from the Vet 4 days ago.

He is back to wandering around and cleaning himself at least, though he doesn't quack anymore, and he walks like a totally different duck. Without his head in the air, and it just resting on his chest constantly. He still not sociable or anything...

So weird, but he seems ok, so I guess thats the main thing.

Thanks for the help again people!

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