Indiana traders here

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We have these for sale/trade/OBO:

1.) 3 mix chicks. maybe 2 months old? $2

Roo is Amarecana <SP?> He received 1st place in the 4-H fair with my daughter for roos under 1 year any other comb.
He is with multiple hens that are all pure bred. White rock, barred rocks, buff orps, amarecana, black australorps. I think the chicks moms are good chance white rock=one of them is light with coloring on its head and tail feathers. The other two are "Blue" so maybe barred rock or australorps?

2.) 1 standard light brahma roo. $5

3.) silkie chicks, black, white, possible grey, only a couple days old. $2

4.)2 white silkie roos, have 4, only want two. $5

5.) black silkie roo, gorgeous! but pet only, 4 toes. could still throw 5 toed babies. $5

Thanks for looking!
I have bantam light brahma's. Free rooster and some half grown that I would sell. Decent type, too much lacing on tail to be SQ.
Here is a brand new ad on Craigslist for 5 hens, a rooster and a goat--too bad I don't have my new little coop built yet
Yes, but the goat looks more like a Nubian than a "pigme".

BTW, I sure like the way you built your little coop and run.
Hey fellow hoosiers, I'm in need of a few bantum hens. I have an old EE roo that I'm tired of watching everyone else pick on. He now has his own bachelor pad and I'm hoping to get him some swingin' girlfriends. I'm not picky, and neither is he, as long as they're his size. (The big girls just give him a complex.)

I'm just west of Indianapolis. I have large breed Buff Orp, Light Brahma or Gold Laced Wyndott's that just started laying to trade or I'm willing to pay a fair price.
I can trade you.
I am not wanting to keep any bantams next year except some of my cochins. I will do 2 of mine for 1 of yours. However many you want. Got lots of different breeds.
I have a trio of white bantam Sultans if anyone is interested.
40.00 for all.
Lovely trio hatched in may this year.
Or may work out a trade for standard hens
Does anyone in central or southern IN have any Ameraucanas or EEs for sale? I have all brown egg layers in the big coop and am not looking for show birds, I just want some different colored eggs in the morning.
Hey AWchickens.....I have EE's. I am going to be putting a few, maybe a dozen in the bator here in a week or so. I dont have any hens to sell right now...but, will have peeps in a few weeks! I am in Jennings county...North Vernon area. PM me if you will be interested.

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