Injured chick advice needed please

Tonight I put just one silkie and her teddy in with her. There was a bit of tweeting and movement then silence - when I opened the top of the coop to check they were snuggled up (with teddy) in a corner :)

Now am thinking that I should've probably put 2 in and attached the run for them so that Pudding could have their company without them being so restricted. Uurgh !! Maybe if I leave the one in tomorrow and add another in the evening together with the run ? I'm cautious in case she gets picked on as her limp is really bad still but I like the idea that company will brighten her spirits, that makes sense to me.

Although she's around 12 weeks , my own chicks are a bit younger yet a fair bit bigger so I need to build her up. She's on growers with a superior mixed seed then a bit of corn in the afternoon, she has a bit of cat food in the morning and treats like Apple, greens, eggs, yoghurt, oats, rice etc. I don't know what else I could give her really...
I am pleased with her growth though as she has definitely gotten bigger since I've had her, so maybe just keep keeping on :)

Thank you again for all your help and support I can't tell you how important it has been x
Girl, my Bumpers, the one that had the broken thigh or pelvis and has the perm limp, rules her roost. She is the alpha hen, and she won't let anybody else take it away from her. You could put a couple of little silkies in there with her, but putting in just one will ensure that Pudding and that silkie will bond. I imagine if you put another one in there, they'd all get along, but you might find the two silkies hanging out together while Pudding is the odd wheel. Just do what you think is best for her and it will all work out. You pay attention and give your chickens great care, so I have faith she'll be fine.
Ahh gotcha :) ok so am fine to leave it with the one silkie that's great :)

Bumpers is a fabulous name ! You are a fabulous lady. Your encouragement is what has kept us on the right path.

I need to name my chicks and was discussing it this evening, my son suggested "rice" for the silkie .....rice....pudding....
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You could name one of the silkies in the fashion of Pudding. Pudding is something that is consumed in both nations, but can mean entirely different things... Biscuit is another lovely comestible that means totally different things depending on where it's being consumed.

Tell your son rice pudding is one of my favorite dishes. Mmmm. Your chickens are making me hungry.
So off I trotted to the baby pen this morning and headed straight for the poorly coop, lifted the lid and there were Rice and Pudding on the roosting perch ! I didn't even know Pudding would be able to roost properly all night! Am so proud of them !

There was no arguments they came down the ramp (I helped Pudding) and had breakfast, and Pudding plonked herself down and watched Rice stuffing her beak :)
As soon as I opened up the baby coop instead of zooming to the treats I brought for them, they were straight over to Rice and Puddings coop like magnets !

I,m thinking of white foodie type names now for the rest of the silkies, I need 4 more names for them :)

I feel good about it all :D
I will try to get some photos of them later today. Thank you again everyone !!
She just needed a friend to encourage her! Roosting is fabulous news! Can't wait to see pics of them! Be sure to keep one of her and her teddy. They grow so fast, and you'll miss those days. ::melodramatic tear::
So off I trotted to the baby pen this morning and headed straight for the poorly coop, lifted the lid and there were Rice and Pudding on the roosting perch ! I didn't even know Pudding would be able to roost properly all night! Am so proud of them !

There was no arguments they came down the ramp (I helped Pudding) and had breakfast, and Pudding plonked herself down and watched Rice stuffing her beak

As soon as I opened up the baby coop instead of zooming to the treats I brought for them, they were straight over to Rice and Puddings coop like magnets !

I,m thinking of white foodie type names now for the rest of the silkies, I need 4 more names for them

I feel good about it all

I will try to get some photos of them later today. Thank you again everyone !!
Maybe you could name them after other types of pudding. For example, Vanilla, or Chocolate (or you could shorten it to Cocoa or something). Banana would be another possible name.
It sounds like you're doing the right thing to me. The Silkies should help keep her warm, and give her some company. I like the idea of naming them after puddings, too.
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Love vanilla and one of my cars is called Cocoa but coconut would be a good one !!

Pud was straight up her ramp this eve didn't even need a lift !
Rice seems a happy chick and was straight on the perch :)
All good !

Didn't get a photo tonight as it was a little close to sunset and the light had gone but al do one in the morning :D


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