Injured chick advice needed please

Love vanilla and one of my cars is called Cocoa but coconut would be a good one !!

Pud was straight up her ramp this eve didn't even need a lift !
Rice seems a happy chick and was straight on the perch

All good !

Didn't get a photo tonight as it was a little close to sunset and the light had gone but al do one in the morning

Glad to hear that little Pudding is doing well! She's probably much happier being around other chickens.
She seems depressed this morning :( she didn't come down from her coop to feed and when I picked her up she felt light and made a bee line to try to get high up me and put her head under my neck and in my jacket. She crooned to me and it felt like she wanted to be with me so much.
I stayed with her for 20 mins made sure she ate and held her next to her water until she drank.
Her leg is still bad, one or two steps then she'll sit.
Am I doing the right thing ? I think it's been roughly 3 weeks or so since I found her that night. How long do broken bones take ? My thoughts are that if it doesn't improve much more the flock will pick on her.
Part of me (a big part) wanted to just scoop her up and bring her home :(
I'm gonna go back once I've done a few things round the house.
Am gonna try to spend a bit of time there and watch her activity.

Wish I could speak chickenish ....
You'll do what's right for her based on what you feel. If she's not eating and drinking she may need more individual attention. And there are worse things than having a pet chicken who spends time with you indoors. Take her in, make sure she eats and drinks, then take her back out, if you need to. She may just need a little time under your feathers.
I think you're right I think she needs a bit longer at home and when she's walking better then go back to the silkie plan.

My hubby said to me 'go fetch Pudding' - I love him so much for being ok with my chicken habit lol

I'm gonna bring her home and give her a few more weeks tlc ;) looks like it might be a Christmas Pudding haha ! Now... Chicken diaper website..... :D
..she's home, is sat watching tv with my son in the living room and has taken over a different cat bed which is hero's (the cat in my profile pic) favourite and he will not be impressed :)
She has eaten so much it's hard to fathom, I have never seen her eat like it, she's drank well too which was always a cat and mouse game before.
I've given her some nutri drops and she slept for an hour solid in the cat bed so I think she must have been exhausted.
I,m so happy to have her home. Feels the right thing to do if only till she walks better.

Yet again I don't know what I would do without you guys. Your support and advice is stellar - thank you.
Hope you brought her ted in with her! I think I'm about as fond of your Pudding as you are.

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