Injured chick advice needed please

Awww bless you both !

Yep she's asleep now (in her bedroom) with teddy. She's eaten loads and loads and drank plenty and slept on and off and has seemed to be pretty settled.

I've been watching her limp and there's definitely progress but I think she needs more healing time before I try again. I think I won't try again till I'm running after her round the house lol

My cats are a worry they are both big hunters and so we are trying to keep them separate so that Pudding gets some time downstairs with the family without me having to have eyes in the back of my head !
They keep looking at me in disbelief like "really you got....a bird?"
Jim the farmer who owned her is ok with her belonging to our family now but gave me the same look as the cats when I said she would stay with us if she wasn't able to recover sufficiently to rejoin a flock ...:rolleyes:

So all in all a bit of a set back but not too bad, we'll get there eventually.
Essentially we'll get there because you guys care as much as we do.
Leg injuries, whether breaks, sprains, etc., often take a long time to heal. One of my cockerels injured his leg by (I assume) slamming the leg into a roost as he flapped around (he's always been quite the acrobat when it comes to flying onto roosts). It was limp for a few days, then feeling came back, but he still walked on it wrong (on top of the toe, splayed out slightly). That was about a month ago. About a week ago, he suddenly started walking right--flat footed, etc. The injury was probably well on its way to healing... Except, he kind of over-did it jumping about and even trying to mate a hen, and I think he re-injured the muscle/tendon/whatever it is. Since then, he's hardly bearing any weight on it; just walking on the hock of that leg.
Its a bit disheartening, as he was doing so well for those few days. I'm really hoping he recovers, he's such as sweet, pretty little boy.

Anyway, what I'm saying is don't give up on Pudding's leg healing. Even if it was broken, given enough rest, the bones should knit back together and she'll be strong again. Just keep giving her all the great care that you've been giving, and she should be fine.
So sorry to hear about your little roo, I hope he heals up..I have a Leghorn that landed funny and limped for a week or so but this is my first real experience.
It's so difficult to gage - they can't tell you how it feels, it makes you feel so helpless.
Poor guy, it's so easy to knock yourself back if you push an injury but then boys will be boys where their ladies are concerned :)
I'm sure he'll get there again, and he obviously has you watching (and worrying) over him so that's on his side :)
Pudding is starting to do her yoga exercises. At least that's what it looks like :) she positions herself parked up to my leg and then uses me like a ballet bar.
She plies and arabesques and well, if she had a tutu on she couldn't look more the part (actually she does if fluffy bum feathers count)...

Everything is good. She's eating well, drinking well, her poops are normal and she's able to fly a tiny bit from one place to another. She's stretching loads especially her bad leg and she's happy to be waited on hand and foot !

So it's just a waiting game now, till she's running after me. We have our little routine going and it all feels really good :)

I will keep updating as we hit milestones, hope everyone is ok and Puff and bantams roo are doing well.

Thanks for thinking about us :)

All is good. She's eating and drinking well but waits for me to put things in front of her (she's not daft)
Today it was sunny but cold so we went into the garden and she ate a load of grass and greens and took 6 consecutive steps. Her limp is bad but I think it's very slowly improving.

Every time she stands up she stretches her bad leg out behind her as far as it will go like a prima Donna lol and she's definitely using it more.
My new greenhouse will be glazed this weekend so I thought she can exercise in there for an hour during the day and gradually build it up till she can join the baby flock.

All in all things are slowly going in the right direction :)
Much love xx
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So glad to hear it! We'd love to see some pictures *hint hint*

Your greenhouse setup sounds great- my girls would love it if I could set them up like that.
Aww here are some pics of pudding investigating my living room and of my garden. The greenhouse is at the end on the right. It's currently being painted a sage green and the glazing should come today and be fitted over the weekend so then she can go and have a root around inside without me supervising her quite so much :)

I will get some photos that are up to date once it's finished :)



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I love, love, LOVE these pics!!!! You have a gorgeous garden area, and Pudding is too, too adorable!

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