Injured chicken


In the Brooder
May 26, 2015
Hey i was out walking my dog a week ago and found a young chicken lying on floor with head tucked into her back, I thought she was dead but on closer inspection she was breathing feathers flurred out. I picked her up and toke her home as she was bleeding from the head, got her home cleaned her up and sorted a box out for her with a heat mat. The only thing she won't eat or drink herself I have to take it to her. But the only thing she will eat is mushed up wheatabix. IV tried mushed chick crumbs but she won't eat this. I have added vitamins to the drink so shes getting some goodness. She has healed quite quickly no infection. And the eye was totally closed but that's nearly fully open now. I've give her food as much as she will take and water but she's making a lot of noise just the sound that chicks make after they have hatched. Could this mean there's something wrong or just wanting attention as I do handle her a lot. But she was making noise while been handled too.i have just recently bought a younger bird and they are getting on fine. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. She wouldn't eat for 3-4 days though and could only get vitamin water into her. Im hoping the noise just means she getting better and because she was quite for 5 days she's making up for it? Also her breathing is fine no gasping or noises coming from lungs. She does open her beak as if she has summit in her throat but iv looked and it's clear. And shakes her head sometimes she also walks around in circles odd times sorry for the novel :)
The first 2 are when I got her home after cleaning and the other 2 are what she looks like now. She stands up most of the time and I would say has good balance she can be wobbly at time but does walk around. After eating she will go to sleep for a bit and make a bit noise. She has eaten a little more then usually today and was gulping it down :)
Second pics are about 5 days old so will get some fresh ones today and most wounds have gone now just the scab on the head where she was bleeding from

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