Inside chickens?

I raised my chickens from chicks for about 6 weeks inside then they are full time outside
They love the outdoors and by the time they are 6 weeks i cant wait to get them out, they are noisy, adventurous, messy, leave dust that takes several cleanings to get off of blinds near the brooder
I've done this 3 separate times total of 33 chickens

They spread their wings and run and fly when I take them out they are just as happy to leave as I am to see them leave

It's fun at first but I enjoy them better outside

If I raise more chicks I would do it inside again same way,

Just giving a perspective on what is was like for me personally :)
Here's a picture from this morning of my daughter with my mom's house chicken, Ruby. She's a little serama who is past her prime. She goes outside with the big chickens for a little while everyday, weather permitting. Believe it or not, she's the alpha when she's out there.
I will emphasize how to make it work rather focus on cons. This assumes cons are not overwhelming.

Feces representing two types, dander, and shed feathers will be your biggest concerns. Feces will be a daily issue. Most of time I would work on keeping birds over a material that is either easy to clean such as linoleum or can be discarded like wood chip bedding. Dander will come out particularly when the bird preens but comes out almost all the time. Feathers are easy to address.

Feed type may differ markedly from what is practical outdoors. Coarser particle not made of ground feed stuffs can reduce spillage issues. Intact grains can be a large part of diet. I like to use live commercially produced insects as a protein dense component of diet. Do not ignore options like fruit.

I would place feeder inside a box with something like hay for bird to scratch through.

It is fun to scatter little feeding stations around house so birds must look to earn its eats. Having a different option at each allows you to see something you need to see for yourself.

Would bird be confined to a coop / brooder or allowed to free-range the house? I have done both and found later benefits from you being able to supply loafing and roosting areas that are particularly easy to clean. Bird will need a dust bathing area otherwise it will be looking for flower pots; I am still smarting from when wife found out about that.
If you could avoid having them inside it would be best, but I do have one hen inside due to an inability to walk and balance properly. Her pen and the entire room she is in requires daily cleaning, as she produces a lot of dust- even working with good ventilation. I only have the one inside because she gets picked on, so its also requires that she gets attention all day. She is a big cuddler, so it does make up for the extra work ten-fold.
It is about the same rules as hamsters. Proper cage / brooder, bedding, heat, food water
Wash hands after holding and don't let her on counter while preparing food.

I have rescues in my house that are adults. They are in separate cages in the storage room.

Contrary to popular belief. Chickens are not nasty creatures full of disease. You will enjoy having your chick inside.

Also my bigger hens have made the stray cats fear chickens. I can not speak to your population. I do recommend looking into a trap and release program. I did that here I trapped cats took them to humane society, they spayed / neutered and I picked em up and set them free here again. Lessened the kitten problem by thousands!

Congrats on your new home
Good luck
how do you keep a chicken from pooping in the house?
Quick answer is, You don't.

Long one.
I have dog cages that I change daily when I take them out to play outside. If I just let them wander the house there would be poo every where. So when I let them walk around inside I use sock diapers. I watched a YouTube video where a lady cut the top side and the bottom side of an odd sock put the chickens neck through the foot part the feet through the new holes and under wings and the toe held any droppings. So I use odd socks to keep poo off floors.

Google chicken diaper

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