Irresponsible neighbor and his roaming chickens

Not my flock: Our neighbor has a flock of about 30 free range chickens that are roaming the neighborhood. We already have a 4' cattle fence separating his property from ours, but it does not keep the chickens out of my yard. We do have a farm, horses, but we do not have chickens. If I wanted chickens I would get them. I want to walk outside without stepping in chicken poop. I want to not get swarmed when I go in my yard. I want to fertilize/weed kill my lawn. I'd like to go approach the neighbor with suggestions, like: we are fertilizing, keep your chickens locked up for XX days, etc. I'm afraid if the chickens or people get sick he will try suing us. Any suggestions/guidelines? History - He tried to sue us when we built our horse barn for blocking his view of our property, and blocking the sun from the solar panels on the roof of his house, built on a hill above our property, surrounded by 60' tall oak trees. I wish I was kidding. He also had chickens many years ago, including a very aggressive rooster that would "fly" at you with it's talons out. We talked to him, and called the police several times and his solution was to follow one of the chickens onto our property and kill it in from of my young daughter. The police did nothing, he was retrieving his "property" from our yard. Do I need to talk to a lawyer? HELP!
I have this problem every year too, but the fox usually take care of the problem. Unfortunately that leads the fox over to my house (they follow the buffet), but I keep my flock behind a Fort Knox run with hot wire. Then idiot neighbor just starts all over with a new flock in the spring. Last fall his RIR rooster kept coming over one day, and I knew the neighbor was outside so I went all white trash and was yelling and cussing like a drunken sailor while I chased off the rooster. The next day (and from there on out) I could hear his rooster crowing from one spot, and one spot only. I never saw him again. I don't think this would work for the OP, though.
That's not a nice thing to say. Maybe she works and hasn't had time to answer. Be more thoughtful to what you say or don't say anything at all. She is asking for suggestions not smart aleck remarks.
With all due respect, do you see one like or response to any of the posts that people took the time to post here? You are being judgy toward me. Not nice on your behalf.
Is it possible that the OP was an older person who simply did not know how a forum works? My DH is quite computer illiterate. He would have no idea what the "like" & "quote" buttons were for. He also wouldn't understand online forum etiquette. He literally would not know that he was SUPPOSED to "like" a reply in order to show appreciation for the replier's comment. He might be able to figure out how to post a comment, but that's it. He certainly wouldn't know forum etiquette.

I've been following this thread, and to me, it seems like the OP really did have a question, and managed to post it. He then got called a troll for not immediately responding (again, my DH would be the sort to take days to get back to responding, due to long hours at work, and being tired, and not understand forum etiquette.)

The OP was probably a super-sensitive sort, as others have suggested, and after being called a troll, he got mad, and then simply walked away and decided that internet forums were not the place he wanted to be (something someone who wasn't fully computer literate would do...they don't like the computer and online forums to begin with, so they will be quick to leave if anything disturbing happens).

Anyway, just my humble opinion.
OP stated they have children to take care of.
You need to just tell the neighbor to keep his chickens out of your yard or you will. I've never heard of a law anywhere where it is your responsibilty to keep others animals out. The law is on your side.
I have a neighbor like yours. Our dogs got out a time or two and he was putting copies of the local leash laws in our fence but his cats were free to roam. After we got chickens I trapped one of his cats in our chicken yard. He was mad when I took the cat to him in the trap unharmed. So I calmly explained that I would no longer trap his cats. Only one blast with a shotgun into the air and he keeps his cats close to home.[/QUOT
From earlier in the thread:

Yes, there are some states where it is your responsibility to keep animals OUT. Majority of US seems to be Fence IN your animals. Since we don't know where OP is from, who knows if they are in a fence IN or fence OUT state.
i think that is a little silly. Is it your responsibly to keep a bull out of your property? I had this happen and was injured from the neighbor’s bull.
Yes I do. My point is they are dangerous and the owners responsibility to keep confined.

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