Is anyone else going to have a hatch on Dec. 30th?


10 Years
Dec 13, 2009
Trafalgar, IN
I'm so excited! This is my first hatch! If anyone else is going to have a hatch on that day please join in!

I would love to take pictures but if you read my page you'll see that my camera was stolen out of my truck when we lived in the city (around Halloween). The thing that stinks about that it was a gift from my husband when we found out we were going to have a baby (2 years ago).

SO glad I'm out of that situation!

Any-who I'm excited to hear from you all!

Hi Megan, I have chicks due on 12/31 and was thinking about starting a post. If you don't mind, I'd be happy to be your hatch buddy.
Hinkjc lets be hatch buddies

I have 8 unknow variety eggs in the bator. By the looks of the eggs the mother cold possibly be a Buff Orpington. The woman that gave me my roo Frosty had given me 10 but 2 were goners. One had a little nick in the shell and I think some bacteria got in there.

Yay! I need to go and get a camera. I'm just going to ask my husband if he is getting me one or not as a gift, if not I'm going to go buy a new one. The one that was stolen out of our truck was $300+....Good luck if they want to get online with it because I reported it stolen with the police and Fujifilm.

&& Evermoreranch you're more than welcome to post here if you'd like. I love to see pictures!
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sounds like fun. I have 10 white orpington eggs set and 14 split lavender araucana project eggs set. This is my last hatch of the year.
Then I think I will take a break until spring. Well, maybe. hehe
2 more days until lockdown for me.
Good luck with your hatch!

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