Is anyone else going to have a hatch on Dec. 30th?

congrats, and i had two when i went to bed and three all together when i woke up and when i just got home from work a min ago i lost two chicks and had one more, so now i have to chicks and two fixing to come out and two left to go , the two that past were number 2 and 3 poor guys they were the light colored ones the two dark ones are still alive
So how many do you have now
One hatched! Really clean no blood or anything. Don't know what breed but it hatched black (I assume from the moisture) and now it's fluffing up blue/grey. Bi colored beak black and tan and black feet. If anyone has any idea what this chick could be let me know!
Congrats on your babies!
I saw this thread a couple of days ago but since my hatch was in doubt and has been operating under Murphy's law from the start, I didn't even start to read it 'till now for fear I would jinx it further.
Hope it isn't too late to join the party?

My cousin had promised to set some eggs for me to hatch while I visited this week. I called her on the 9th to remind her -- yup, she forgot
So she popped 3 dozen cold eggs into her cold incubator and turned it on. When we arrived late on the 26th, it was to the news that the bator door got left open a little about halfway thru', and that one egg had exploded and contaminated quite a few others.
crossed my fingers and hoped for the best, went on to PA and told her I would be back today [well, yesterday, I see it is past midnight]. I tried to call several times this week w/no answer, finally got hold of her Tuesday night to ask if they were in lockdown. I had been following the threads about all the folks who lost power in last week's storm who still had hatches and was feeling better about my chances. But, when I called [day 20] she had forgotten to turn off the auto turner.
But she did it then. When I got here at 6 on the 30th [6.5 hours ago], she reported she tho't she heard a peep and I saw 2 pips, and now there are 3 pips & definately peeping, so maybe - just maybe!
I just emptied my camera and took my 1st 2 pics [of eggs in the bator].
Now I guess it is 'wait-n-watch'
but think I will try to get a nap.
This waiting is giving more grey hair!

The GOOD news is that she has a Styrofoam bator she is willing to give me, along with all the fertile eggs laid yesterday [6], today and tomorrow to take back to TN and try out all of the info I have gleaned on BYC on how to do it right - while waiting for my 'big day' [today].

Pictures to follow if miracles happen today!!! dited for spelling, punctuation & clarity
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Read my byc page
. It was a gift from my husband when we found out I was pregnant. It was stolen out of our truck on Halloween when we took our daughter trick or treating. Good thing I didn't have my memory cards in it. It took really awesome pictures like this :




Oh I miss it:(




cant wait for the rest to hatch from this batch and im even more excited about the next batch due on the 10th woo hooo , ....... i would like to see yours as well and thank you for letting me post my pics

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