Is anyone else waiting for a chick order? CHICK PICS!!

I have 7 that should be arriving tomorrow or wedsday from MPC.I'm so excited,hopefully all will b okay. first time ordering.Has anyone on here had good luck with Mock?
October 20th is the much-anticipated hatch/ ship date for my new chicks! I ordered 11 black Australorp pullets, and I was excited about the "males for warmth", until all the other postings I read where the "males for warmth" almost always ended up being Rhode Island Red Roosters and jokingly reffered to as "packing peanuts".

Then my neighbor wanted to add to my order, so I get to play foster parent to his 12 Rhode Island Red pullets, and when I called in to add to the order, the lady at Ideal told me that I would no longer get any "males for warmth", so I added two matching black Australorp roosters.

Then came the day I saw the October Bantam Special and now I have 25 bantams on their way too! I, too hope to pick out the cutest ones and get rid of the rest (and hopefully most of the bantam roosters!), but I doubt I will be able to let any go!

So, here I am, eyes gleaming in a very unnatural fashion, hunched over the keyboard at 10:00 at night, posting on a "waiting for chick" forum that I found because I was haunting the Ideal poultry site in anticipation of the arrival of my

11 Black Australorp Pullets
2 Black Australorp Roosters and
25 Assorted Bantams
(not to mention the 12 Rhode Island Red Pullets I will be fostering)

I think I may have CHICKEN FEVER! I already have 6 lovely Easter Egger Pullets that are laying nicely now and Smoky, a VERY NEEDY Shepherd mix rescue dog!
BIG storm here last night. Thunder, lightening, rain and wind. I was concerned for the new babies as the power going out is pretty common out here during storms. But, we've made it through the night and the power (obviously) is still on. It's still raining, but the rest has stopped. We did need the rain badly, but could have done without all the wind. I wonder how many apples and pears are still on the trees. <sigh> Should have picked yesterday.
Welcome!! Hope you enjoy your babies as much as the rest of us do! Please post pictures, as I think that you are the third person on this thread who ordered the bantam special. Of course, if you get more black cochins than me I will be jealous. Trade you for some OE
I just placed my first order for baby chicks though Ideal.
They are due to be shipped out on October 24th so I have time to get their new home set up. I'm so excited! I ordered:

3 Black Star pullets
3 Blue Silkies (straight run)
3 Ameracauna pullets
3 Rhode Island Red pullets (my boyfriend's choice)
3 Buff Orpington pullets

I already have 3 young Plymouth Barred Rock roos so these can be their ladies.
Do you all notify the Post Office when you are waiting on baby chicks or will the Post Office just call when they get there?
Our post office always calls on their own but I think it depends on your PO. My first chick order I called ahead and they were like "ummm yea, the box has a sign saying call on arrival, we will call you when they arrive you don't need to call us." So I felt pretty stupid but I live near the country so I guess my PO is used to chick orders arriving and they know what to do.

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