Is Gamebird Food Ok to Feed?

Sure! I use Purina Flock Raiser on my birds too! It is just higher protein. Be sure to throw out some calcium shells for the laying hens.
It depends what kind of gamebird feed. There is gamebird starter, maintanence, flight conditioner and layena. Each has different levels of protein that may or may not be ideal. It would be best to confirm exactly what he got.
Yup, I prefer it actually. I use the ManaPro gamebird/showbird starter now. There was a major difference in older chicks I got when I switched them to it, and amazing feather growth on chicks I hatched myself. They came out of that wooden brooder box looking like they had been free ranging in the Garden of Eden or something.
Animals tend to eat to the levels they do to get to their protein requirements. If you feed a higher protein food, they will just eat less. If you are still worried about the protein percent being too high, give them some more greens.
ive fed game bird finisher for over a year now and my birds do great on it. I think its 16% protein.
i've given my hens the game bird conditioner over the past 2 months. now that it's winter and we've been having 15degrees and lower at night, i'm wondering if i should stay with the higher protein along with their layer crumble. i try to give it to them as a treat every other day, thrown into the leaves and straw they scratch through.

any suggestions.
Mine ONLY get Gamebird Feed. It is the only feed I can find around here that meets the higher protein % and consists of both animal and plant protein (which I require).

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