Quacking ducks

Premium Feather Member
May 31, 2019
Is my Indian Runner just molting? or is there something wrong with her face? she has missing most of the feathers on one side of her face. any ideas?
Thank you
Doesn't look like her body is molting.
Do you have a drake?
Yes, I do have a Drake. I have two Indian runner females, the other female has a couple bare spots on her back at the base of her neck from my silver Apple yard drake. do you think the bare spot on her face is from my Drake? I was just getting pictures of them to post on craigslist because they’re too small for my Drake and I don’t want them injured. I just wanna make sure they’re not sick before I post them. Thank you
I would agree that it's the drake. My old drake did that a few times when the girls weren't cooperating. That's kinda why he's my 'old' drake. He was extremely aggressive with mating. My current one is much more pleasant with his girls and still gets what he's looking for.
Please don’t let your drake be with your chicken hen . . . Chicken hens do not have the proper equipment to handle a drakes penis …roosters do not have a penis.. Many chicken hens are injured and killed by drakes this way.
I would agree that it's the drake. My old drake did that a few times when the girls weren't cooperating. That's kinda why he's my 'old' drake. He was extremely aggressive with mating. My current one is much more pleasant with his girls and still gets what he's looking for.
Ok, thank you
Please don’t let your drake be with your chicken hen . . . Chicken hens do not have the proper equipment to handle a drakes penis …roosters do not have a penis.. Many chicken hens are injured and killed by drakes this way.
My drake does not pay much attention to my chickens at all and I’ve never seen him try to mate with them either. they have all been together for about a year and I have not had any problems with the chicken hens and my drake. they pretty much stay out of each other‘s way. Thank you for the warning though. I keep my eyes open for problems and deal with them when I see them
My drake does not pay much attention to my chickens at all and I’ve never seen him try to mate with them either. they have all been together for about a year and I have not had any problems with the chicken hens and my drake. they pretty much stay out of each other‘s way. Thank you for the warning though. I keep my eyes open for problems and deal with them when I see them

As long as the drake has enough hens of his own kind he will not mess with your chickens but if the ratio is off he will definitely go after your chicken hens. I had this issue at one time and it took about a year before he did it. Once the ratio got back in check he again left the chickens alone.

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