Is my duck sick?

update: made a new serving of the feed this morning he could careless about it just like yesterday but i did put out 2 slices of water melon and he did eat it. not attack it and eat like there is no tomorrow but he did slowly peck at it till it was all gone.

he also wasn't in his bush this morning instead sleeping by the pool and sometimes taking a few sips but now i can't seem to find him. i will have to wait for later today or tomorrow morning when he reveals him self

edit: he just did and is now swimming in my pool
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It may take him a while to try the feed don't give up on him. I assume your ducks are pets? and just like all other pets we have, they need the right nourishment to thrive and have long lives. So I hope you'll really try with your drake and any other ducks you have especially since we're going to be heading into winter one of these days and I don't know where you are but here in the Mountains of NC there sure isn't much foraging.
Can your bring him in your house to keep an eye on? If he's not sleeping in a protected area, he is in serious danger of a predator attack. For now, a large dog crate will work to keep him inside, but some kind of pen would be even better.
Place him in the crate or pen with fresh drinking water and moistened food. He will get hungry and have no choice but to eat that. Line the area with towels so you can easily see his poop.
You need to put him somewhere were he has that food as his only option. He's not eating it because things like dog food, watermelon, and other unhealthy food are available. They taste better. Its kinda like telling a kid to eat broccoli, and then offering butter pasta when he doesn't eat it lol. 😜
Hopefully we can get him on the road to recovery soon! You obviously care a lot about him, other poultry owners would likely just right it off as old age, and act like it wasn't their problem.

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