Is this a pure Ameraucana?


11 Years
Feb 29, 2008
Southwest Ohio
I bought some hatching eggs on ebay and they were for "Pure Ameraucanas" It was my first hatch and i only had one hatch. She is GORGEOUS. She looks like an Eagle, so that's what we named her. But she has black on her, so I'm not sure if she is actually a pure ameraucana or an easter egger. I love her regardless, but I'm just curious.



She very well could be a non-standard color (mixed) color Ameraucana. She is pretty

I have to admit that I am very confused by americauna and easter egger
Sometimes even the araucanas.
I have some, and only know what they are because of what I was told when I bought them, but who is to say those people were even right where I bought them.
I know this has probably been explained only one million times, but can someone give me a rundown on how you can tell its an EE over the purebreed.
The reason I say non-standard because body shape, comb type etc look correct, but color is wrong. EE are mutts. I *believe* that if my true ameraucana cross colors then it should really be called a non-standard color Ameraucana. Which means the eggs color WILL be blue(unlike some EE) and appearance will be that of an Ameraucana, just wrong color and ineligible for entries. For example, if a white german shepherd is born, we don't say it's NOT a german shepherd, we call it a non-standard color german shepherd. I said "could" be a non-standard color Ameraucana, but could not be called a true ameraucana as she does not meet the standard of color. That's just my 2 cents


edited to say that many eggs are sold on ebay as TRUE ameraucana and araucana but in reality are only EE
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EE are mutts that lay(usually) a tinted egg, whether it be blue, green, or pink. Ameraucana and Araucana are pure breeds, which hatcheries don't have.
I don't know. A lot of the EE have the correct comb type of an Ameraucana. Leg color is usually green I think on the EE, but some Ameraucana are supposed to have willow. I think that is the reason that all the non-standard colors are just called EE
, just because some can look like one and be a mix. I have a mutt that looks just like an australorp, if I hadn't known it was a mutt I could never tell. I think the EE is a safety net when it comes to off color Ameraucana just because you don't know the lineage. I'm sure the Ameraucana police is going to have my head on this one

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