Is this normal


In the Brooder
Dec 8, 2015
Hi I have a khaki Campbell she is about 7 months and has been laying for about 2 months. I was her today and suddenly there was this horrible smell, I look down she pooped on me. There was a lot of it, Brown and goopy like dihrea. Is this normal? Plz help thanks
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Sounds like a cecal poop which is normal I believe about every 10 poops, but if she continues to have poops like this every time then that would probably mean something is wrong.
I was just really concerned because of the smell. They normally do this when her and my mallard lemon don't get enough mud or rocks
If I feed my ducks too much protein or too many treats they become very efficient fertilizing machines that smell terrible.

Do you feed them tasty treats?
I do but not recently too hard to find bugs
Do your ducks have access to grit? they need grit to help them "chew" their food it's a very important part of their diet. If they have forage time and your ground isn't frozen they are probably getting their own grit.
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