Is your significant other supportive of your chicken hobby?

Love the Three's Company names!

- TieDyeMommy

Thanks! Jack was a mean son of a gun. He would attack us whenever we went in the back yard. One day he disappeared. Janet went broody under our barn. She hatched her brood and then they and she disappeared. Then we bought Mr. and Mrs. Roper. They also disappeared. Then we decided to get large fowl and ended up with Brahmas. Chrissie, our last banty, is still going strong, though. She survived a dog attack about 3 years ago and a hawk attack probably 5 years ago. Hubby was outside making a covered run for the chickens when he heard her scream and come running across the yard with a hawk chasing her, on the ground! He threw his tape measure (he had it in his hand) at the hawk, which flew up into a tree. Chrissie lost all her tail feathers that day.
He wasn't super excited for me to get them and he said, I quote,"You can have them but I'm not helping you take care of them. I'll help butcher them but that's it." He's been interested in their growth since the beginning and the past week he has actually been helping me take care of them (they're 6 weeks old). Yesterday he stated "this is kinda fun". But today....he wanted to give me some advise on how to feed them!!!!????? WHAT???? His advise was something I usually did anyway but for some reason I didn't today. Anyway I'm getting quite a kick out of his interest in helping me. At least as long as he doesn't start telling me how to do it!
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My dh was not at all happy about my chicken first. When I came home with my first 4, he said, "I hope you know what you are getting into." I've wanted chickens for almost 7 years, I've researched, and learned, and cared for my friend's birds, I know what I'm getting into here.

Then he accidentally crashed his truck into my brooder, and killed one of my chicks. Now he's really changed. He told me to go get more babies, and he is busily building my coop. He always asks about them, and offers suggestions for the coop and things.
Thanks! Jack was a mean son of a gun. He would attack us whenever we went in the back yard. One day he disappeared. Janet went broody under our barn. She hatched her brood and then they and she disappeared. Then we bought Mr. and Mrs. Roper. They also disappeared. Then we decided to get large fowl and ended up with Brahmas. Chrissie, our last banty, is still going strong, though. She survived a dog attack about 3 years ago and a hawk attack probably 5 years ago. Hubby was outside making a covered run for the chickens when he heard her scream and come running across the yard with a hawk chasing her, on the ground! He threw his tape measure (he had it in his hand) at the hawk, which flew up into a tree. Chrissie lost all her tail feathers that day.

Chrissie sounds like a tough old bird.

I used to have some cats with Lone Ranger themed names (back in the mid/late 80's). I had Kemo & Sabi (the parents...Kemosabi), Tonto & Silver (kittens from two of their litters). Not many people my age got it, but adults thought it was hilarious/cool.

- TieDyeMommy
No new additions to the flock...yet. My husband and I are reading up on how to care for chicks, how to introduce new birds to the flock, etc... We may have become flock owners before doing much research (couldn't pass up the opportunity that presented itself to us), but we know we have a lot to learn before we continue on our journey. I'll keep everyone posted!

- TieDyeMommy
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@kocho Kiddie pools work fine for ducks. I love ours, but our chickens are just baby chicks right now and we got the ducks full grown so its not really a fair comparison. That being said we are getting baby ducks soon so I'll be able to make a better comparison through various ages as they both grow.
I never thought of that!! We probably even have an old one around here!! That's ok, we are enjoying the chickens. Though it's taking hubby forever to build a coop. I swear he waits until I get home from work to get started on it on his days off. Last night we were out working on it until 8pm then he asks me what's for dinner!! grrr. Whatever you cook yourself buddy!!
lol They are all the same. Tonight I got home from a meeting and my husband is getting ready to throw a microwave meal in. Until he sees me. then he suddenly can't understand the directions and wants me to do it for him. Um, no.

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