Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

Aww and OMG you have a hedgehog!?! 😍
My sister does. But it only likes me; it stabs everyone else. Maybe because I am the dryer on bath days, so I am his rescuer from the evil water. 😂😵‍💫

Him in the bath:

Drowning GIF

Love that movie

what a cutie nubbin!
He totally is! I have a stupidly long video on my phone of him just chasing the cats, before beelining for me. I thought he was trying to get around me, but no... He just wanted to lick the grease from work off of my shoes. You can clearly hear his little tongue on my shoe! 🤣

Edited to add: What movie is it from? I kind of want to watch it just from that gif alone. 😂
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Aww, he’s adorable
He really is!

During nail clipping time, it is my job to hold onto his teeny feet so sister can cut the nails, and every single time he starts sniffing and licking my fingers. My sister freaks out and tells me really fast "he'sgonnabiteyou he'sgonnabiteyou!" and I just rub his little nose. Like, dude, I have gotten my arse kicked by roosters, dogs, cats, hamsters, rats, and turtles. The Ouch Mouse cannot harm me after I have been got by all of those animals. 😂
I had put $100 into a stock. As of noon, it has grown to just over $1,500. Not too shabby. Can it do that 8x over so I can go on my trip this fall? 😂👀🤞🏻

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