Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

I’d sell
My brother controls it. He has the brains and the mathing skills. He does the day trading whatever 4x a day (except with this stock, because it just keeps going up), and he knows... Well, he knows a lot more than I do about it. He studied it for years before putting money into it, and he himself has more than 6k now, from the initial investment of $400. I wanted to do it since I started at Walmart, but I just suck so bad with numbers that I quit trying; it was too confusing for me. I see math things and I just cry and call him to help me. 😂 I threw another $200 at him yesterday to invest in whatever stock he thought would do well, and he already knows where to put it. I do not even know which stock I currently own shares of because he changes it whenever he sees an opportunity to gain more. I know where my money went originally, though. 😅
He totally is! I have a stupidly long video on my phone of him just chasing the cats, before beelining for me. I thought he was trying to get around me, but no... He just wanted to lick the grease from work off of my shoes. You can clearly hear his little tongue on my shoe! 🤣

Edited to add: What movie is it from? I kind of want to watch it just from that gif alone. 😂
The movie is Robin Hood: Men in Tights. It's hilarious
The '90's movie!? 😍
Yes. With the very yummy Cary Elwes
My brother controls it. He has the brains and the mathing skills. He does the day trading whatever 4x a day (except with this stock, because it just keeps going up), and he knows... Well, he knows a lot more than I do about it. He studied it for years before putting money into it, and he himself has more than 6k now, from the initial investment of $400. I wanted to do it since I started at Walmart, but I just suck so bad with numbers that I quit trying; it was too confusing for me. I see math things and I just cry and call him to help me. 😂 I threw another $200 at him yesterday to invest in whatever stock he thought would do well, and he already knows where to put it. I do not even know which stock I currently own shares of because he changes it whenever he sees an opportunity to gain more. I know where my money went originally, though. 😅
Up to $2,100 as of closing. 🥳
My brother controls it. He has the brains and the mathing skills. He does the day trading whatever 4x a day (except with this stock, because it just keeps going up), and he knows... Well, he knows a lot more than I do about it. He studied it for years before putting money into it, and he himself has more than 6k now, from the initial investment of $400. I wanted to do it since I started at Walmart, but I just suck so bad with numbers that I quit trying; it was too confusing for me. I see math things and I just cry and call him to help me. 😂 I threw another $200 at him yesterday to invest in whatever stock he thought would do well, and he already knows where to put it. I do not even know which stock I currently own shares of because he changes it whenever he sees an opportunity to gain more. I know where my money went originally, though. 😅
Buy low sell high abracadabra

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