Ive lost my written life history !!!update~ flunked interview!

Thankyou, its so close to Christmas now that im feeling quite joyful at the prospect of fairy lights everywhere and I think ill be better off waiting for the new year.
My chin is up again at this moment!!!though I need another coffee to perk me up.
doors are closed to us to guide us to the "much better thing" waiting for us. I truly believe that even when I get so disappointed over not getting what I think I want.
This is so true! Perfectly said.

Keep your chin up Banty. I had several interviews and I was getting discouraged and then God sent me the PERFECT job. Something totally unexpected. I started last week and I love it! I am so happy that I didn't get any of those other jobs.
Thats so wonderful for you schmoo, im glad it worked out for you, youll have a great Xmas.
Im trying to build up my Petsitting Business now, I have lots of lovely regular customers but really needed to have my website up and running to keep up with everyone else, and now I have it ill try and build iup the business a wee bit more!
Well, that just sucks Splort with a Silly Straw!
To heck with them Bantymum...now you can work on your site.
And you have another interview under your belt...I have 10 applications out and not one of them have called me back, so I know how you feel.
I didn't read all the posts, sorry if someone mentioned it already. I just thought have you contacted your past employers? They might just have a copy of yours still. Even an old copy is better than nothing right?


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