Ivy's Daughter, Fern,Grown Up, & Barred EE, Riley (New Pic, post 25)


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
Fern is 20 weeks old, can you believe it?! She looks much like her mama, Ivy (who is still hanging on after her bout with internal laying/infection), but her barring is an improvement over her mom's (thanks, Dutch!). She's trouble personified, this girl. She now flies over the fence or on top of the coop, my only flier in the flock. Hopefully, her bottom will become too heavy to do that soon, as she comes into lay.



Here's Riley, the daughter of my blue Ameraucana, Charlotte, with my BR rooster, Dutch, so she and Fern are half sisters. Riley is 15 weeks old and soon to go into the main flock, though she does freerange with them on occasion.

Thanks, all. Fern's barring is much better than her mom's, but nothing special, other than her being special because she is Ivy's daughter.
Her flying almost got her in trouble today. I let the flock range, then put them up and let my Blue Orpington quad out to roam awhile. As most know, Suede is HUMONGOUS, about 14 lb or so. I go out to later put Suede back in his pen and booking it up to the house was Fern, running among the Orps. That girl is fearless! Good thing Suede wasn't paying much attention or she would be running for her life from an amorous blue TANK.
Fern flew out three times today! She's going to get herself killed if she keeps it up. She flies on top of the tall gate, then out of the pen.
I really don't want to clip her wings because she may need them to get away from predators while on range with the flock.

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