Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

We should be hatching on the same day (about the 30th?). I have 20 right now that are moving around. :)

*I just noticed that!! Good luck, its always nice to have people that are going to be crazy on the same day!! LOL... Got 22 .....hoping I have no more quitters!!!
We have a miracle our old roo Oliver got Accidently left out in the run with out food or water for over a week. He is the last one out of all our first chickens so he is pretty special. I hopped out of the car and up to the barn not knowing what to expect. That's when I heard his crow from the back of the run. I rushed out there to find him huddled in the corner on the side of the barn. He had frostbite on his comb and a tip had fallen off. I was so stunned he had practically no injuries. I grabbed him and brought him in to some girls where he is now happily roosting. So Goldie died, Oliver is alive, and I think my Lacey is broody.
Good luck! With 20 eggs developing, chances are good I would think!
Thank you. I've got high hopes - I always get excited wondering what colors they're going to be and I'm hoping to get some showgirls out of these.

When I collected eggs yesterday I had 4 broodies so I'll have some good momma's raising them (hopefully). I love seeing the hens raising the chicks.

I had 3 batches of eggs set during our move. Looks like this may be the sole survivor from batch 1. It hatched yesterday, 6 days late. It was due the 14th. The other 2 batches seem to be running way behind too. Power was out on them several times before we figured out we have a couple bad outlets in the new house.

I had 3 batches of eggs set during our move. Looks like this may be the sole survivor from batch 1. It hatched yesterday, 6 days late. It was due the 14th. The other 2 batches seem to be running way behind too. Power was out on them several times before we figured out we have a couple bad outlets in the new house.
AWWWW. It's a beauty. Having just moved about 8 months ago I know what you're talking about with the outlets, etc. What a bummer. Hope the other 2 batches so well.
Day 21 of my very first hatch began last night. There were no pips when I went to bed but I woke up to a chick in my incubator! I have 4 more eggs in there, so I'm hoping there will be at least one friend that hatches!

Holy crap guys... Looks like my duck eggs aren't the only babies I'm incubating.

Currently freaking out. Not sure how to tell DH. He won't even be home till Friday night so I've got a little bit of time.

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