July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

wow your mama mothered them for a decent amount of time. So far mine have decided around 4-5 weeks they are done and start to roost again and leave the babies down in the nest box. Think I had one that went to 5.5 or 6 weeks. The one mama I have is still going strong and the babies just turned 5 weeks so guess we see how long she goes.
question--mama hen took them to roost for a few days before leaving them and they stayed up there all night with her. First night last night-2 were on the roosts and 3 were in the upper nesting boxes-I moved them up to by their hatch mates but wanted to know how long they will try and sleep in those boxes? I didn't want to have to move them every night but I will if needed. I am thinking a couple older hens might be scaring them down but we did add more roosting area so there is space for them just to be in their own group. I HATE cleaning nesting boxes daily.
question--mama hen took them to roost for a few days before leaving them and they stayed up there all night with her. First night last night-2 were on the roosts and 3 were in the upper nesting boxes-I moved them up to by their hatch mates but wanted to know how long they will try and sleep in those boxes? I didn't want to have to move them every night but I will if needed. I am thinking a couple older hens might be scaring them down but we did add more roosting area so there is space for them just to be in their own group. I HATE cleaning nesting boxes daily.
my first few never brought the babies up to roost. Not sure if babies wouldn't go up or what. One seemed to try and would jump up and down and the babies would go up here and there but as soon as another hen went in they would leave. Then by the time they really tried they would still try to snuggle under mama and she wasn't having it so they would leave the roost and go to the nest. The others didn't try much either. Not sure why mine don't since I read they normally do. I tried to move mine to the roost with the first couple groups but they would just jump down so I just let them be. The babies that weren't mama raised but brooded in the coop are 9.5 weeks old and now roost with the big girls. I think they are my earliest to roost. I have brats including my first group last year that didn't roost FOREVER (like 20-28 weeks!!!!!!!!)
Oh how glorious this baby’s beard came in 😍😍😍 It is the biggest, floofiest, best beard I’ve seen!!!


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