July Hatch-a-Long (including 4th of July hatch-a-long)

How many times per year do you hatch eggs?

  • 1-2

    Votes: 45 26.2%
  • 2-3

    Votes: 18 10.5%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 11 6.4%
  • 4-5

    Votes: 11 6.4%
  • I don’t count the times

    Votes: 27 15.7%
  • Hatchaholic

    Votes: 60 34.9%

  • Total voters
I would like you'lls opinion on American Bresse breed, are they good egg layers and dual purpose breed. All opinions appreciated thank you

Update I couldn't help myself but that finger did it again :eek:, more hatching eggs on the way for an August hatch. I love those little balls of fluff :love I still have about 50 babies from 1 week to 10 weeks old now

The second NR360 finally arrived yesterday after several months delays in shipping, I may have to fill it up just to check out.
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Help!!! Broody mama has lice!! 😖Do I just wait until she takes the chicks outside for the first time to change all the bedding? There are already two eggs pipped under her....

I powdered under her wings and around her vent with DE while she was out this morning and did my other hen as well.

First buff orpington chick has hatched early on day 20 in the incubator. Perfect, fluffy and healthy! (And

no other pips yet but I think this little one is an early bird! Hoping she’ll encourage the others to start making their way out.

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So... I have recieved notice of a full day power outage on the 31st... quail eggs due to hatch tomorrow, and two pekins ducks due to hatch 31st.... is middle of winter here (thankfully no snow) so... how do I keep my brooder warm, and how do I keep incubator warm/humid enough to hatch?
Do you have a generator you can use, if you do make sure to use a surge protector
I'm not supposed to use the generator for "personal reasons" but it's looking like the only option. Good to know about the surge protector thank you. Its something I wouldn't have thought of.
I lost power about a mouth ago, I had an incubator on a surge protector another one wasn't and the one that wasn't, when unplugged from the generator blow the controler on it. I am now using it as a broader with a heat lamp.
Welp. I don’t know why I’ve NEVER been able to work skipping chicks under a hen. :-( I think ive tried six times?

the momma who has been sitting over two weeks did not take them. Got there at daybreak and three were scattered in the coop. Fourth was under her but as soon as she saw it she attacked it.

so, I threw them under my broody with her older chick sitting with her. The chicks were quiet and ready to just lay after who knows how long on their own at night. Mama was frozen so I was kind of nervous. I hung out and set a few things up for the day. I decided to put a small feed dish in with momma. She ate. She did not cluck. Hmmmmm. Sure enough, when a chick poked its head out her wing, BAM. She was not happy at all with the chicks there.

welp. Now I’m brooding my own chicks and breaking broodies today.
Sorry! :hugs

I've snuck chicks under a broody so many times I can't remember. Even poults under a chicken mom and the duckling I've posted about before.
The duckling was the only daytime sneak and I already knew what an awesome mom the hen was. Everything else was at night, but early like between 10:00 and midnight.
Any losses were because of a bad location/chick falling out if the nest area, but otherwise it was successful. I don't know if it was because of breed or just dumb luck.

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