
Interesting question!
These look pretty big to me. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=611990

based on the fact that they are said to be in a 55 gal. fish tank.

I'm pretty new to buttons, and all mine are extra tiny to me compared to my coturnix. Oops...I mean CBBQ...I think we are calling buttons now
I've never heard of one.

The buttons in the 55 came from quaillady, so I'm pretty sure they are small.
At least the ones I've hatched from her are.

Joe, I think it's spelled cbbq.
I don't normally respond to the spelling crowd, but I stand corrected....Sorry for shouting!

I now know what cbbq means, thanks to Alex.

Those just look like very large cbbq to me. I would have said they were coturnix, if I couldn't see their feet. In a former life, I raised fish, so I do know basic sizes of aquariums, and since when they are filled with water, fish can occupy all 3 dimensions of any aquarium, a 55 gal is better than a 30 gal, but they both can sit on the same foot print (FLOOR SPACE)....one is just taller than the other.

Anyhoo....just looks like a 30 tall, with some big cbbq quail in it to me....I'm just saying

Maybe I just have some extra tiny cbbq's. It's hard to gauge scale from pics sometimes, but those look large to me.....Nothing wrong with large!
cbbq=Chinese blue breasted quail. The new term for "Button" quail. Yes people actually ponder such things. Go figure!
Never confuse coturnix coturnix anything with cbbq. They are totally different.....even though they conform to coturnix standard. You will get your head told a mess...even though they are coturnix standard.
coturnix=QUAIL. Old world quail, but quail none the less.

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