June Hatch-A-Long! (Blue Ameraucanas for me!)

I have 8 -8 babies hatched - ooh it means my mail orders hatched!!!!! I had 4 from a friend and 6 from mail order so some have hatched!!!!!!! only 2 left and she only got up for water and went straight back the two Duck eggs are still under her and the darn incubator broke - the light went out and I can;t get it going again. We jury rigged home made one but it is hard to keep temp right. - Ohhhh the dukies????? But I have 8 babies already!!!!! Really GOOD! Ohhhh hope for the other 2 yet -????? Last time we had two dead in the shells -ummm Wondering if I should lift them and the ducks and finish off in the incubator sort of box thing ? Darn y do these things happen when you need them to work!!!!! :lol::celebrate:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate
I have 8 -8 babies hatched - ooh it means my mail orders hatched!!!!! I had 4 from a friend and 6 from mail order so some have hatched!!!!!!! only 2 left and she only got up for water and went straight back the two Duck eggs are still under her and the darn incubator broke - the light went out and I can;t get it going again. We jury rigged home made one but it is hard to keep temp right. - Ohhhh the dukies????? But I have 8 babies already!!!!! Really GOOD! Ohhhh hope for the other 2 yet -????? Last time we had two dead in the shells -ummm Wondering if I should lift them and the ducks and finish off in the incubator sort of box thing ? Darn y do these things happen when you need them to work!!!!! :lol::celebrate:celebrate:celebrate:celebrate

I would at least candle the duck eggs and see if they're viable to worry about... :)
Not going to candle at this stage ! You wouldn't be able to see much anyhow if there is a chick in it it will just be black and you wouldn't know if it was dead or alive.
I will leave it till about 30 days and if nothing then I will float test to see if anything is in it. - I think some DUcks go to 35 days so may give it a few days grace in case its a x breed ( Ailsburys are rare and most are x breeds) They will either live or not! lol I still have 8 hope the other two come!
??? Duck eggs are much, much more translucent and easier to see in than chicken eggs... I've always been able to see life or DIS no matter what stage of development they are on...

Muscovy take 35-37 days, mallard derived full size ducks take 28 days...

ETA: FYI, float test is not reliable... if embryo is not moving during the time of the float test, it will give false sense of DIS...
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Thanks I didn't know about the duck egg shells. I will still do the float test as it proved spot on for me before also they use it here for endangered birds and falconry breeding so I know it is a reliable test. It is good to have options. cant get a good pic yet she is very protective!
cHICK 2.jpg
CHICK 1.jpg
Sorry to say lost a chick it died over night. I now only have 6 left out of the 8 - darn! Did a float test on the other hens eggs - nothing so we opened them one was full of decomp so had something there but died a while back the other was not fertile just yellow yolk - so that is all 10 eggs accounted for now we have the duck eggs in the incubator and here is hoping all will be ok for them??? They feel heavy. I have not candled or float tested especially since apparently the shell in more porous. Will do that on Thursday I am hoping even if there is nothing there that there will be evidence they are fertile? Well 6 out of 10 still good going - we lost two last year as well. The little one that died overnight was the one I turfed out of its shell as it was exhausted so maybe there was something wrong. The other one that died - its head seemed to be in a funny shape? And its bum was out of the shell not the head end? Thinking mom tried to get him out. Anyhow that was the end of that! They are all beautiful puff balls !!!! I Am really pleased - now to sort out gender! If they crow they go to the freezer and if they lay to the coop! Just need to fatten the little darlings! :eek:
[QUOTE="CABINHOLLOWNC, post: 18573401,
I did decide to get 12 more eggs from a family owned small hatchery in TN (right over the hill from me) last night. I got 2 Olive Eggers, 4 Easter Eggers and 6 French Blue Copper Marans eggs. All are fresh eggs gathered yesterday and the day before and some were gathered while I was there. Here is a picture of them...I think they are very pretty!
View attachment 1037640[/QUOTE]

Well...it's day 7 and my hatching app sent me a reminder to candle...so I thought what hell...might as well! I'm very happy to report that 10 of 12 are definitely developing! The other two are the olive eggs and I see veins at the very top of the egg...but can't see anything else...so we'll see on hatch day!!:wee

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