June Hatch-A-Long

I forgot to mention that I would personally put this egg in a cup or something and not allow it to be soccer balled around. Additional fluid inside the egg is not good when the egg has pipped and gets rolled to where the pip is on the bottom of tbe egg. The fluid can flow out the pip and drown the chick.
Also it can dry on the pip hole causing the chick to not be able to get sufficient oxygen.
Long night and I cant see straight.
9 out so far, um, nevermind. Make that 10 out so far, 8 eggs left.

I'm already in love with these silver beauties.


well out of the 4 eggs that made it to lockdown, 1 pipped then died soon after. 2 are out now and in the brooder and the last i'll check later when I candle the batch of Lavender Orpingtons, but think that one also died. So right now I ended up with 2 out of 15 eggs. Today is officially day 21 so there might still be hope for egg number 4.

It is no wonder why White Ameraucanas are so hard to find, they have a terrible fertility and hatch rate
Calling the June hatch today. Out of 20 shipped eggs, 13 hatched.
3-Speckled Sussex
4-Olive Eggers
3-Partridge Rocks
3-Blue Andalusians (2 blue, 1 black)
Overall, for shipped eggs, I will call it a success. Pictures to come when everyone has settled a bit.
Set my new batch of shipped eggs about 15 minutes ago. All 22 of them, upright, humidity at 40%. A new adventure has begun.

13 chicks hatched out of 17, while I was a sleep, I don't know who came out of what egg, but they are some pures, since the lady from Bella haga has pure breeding birds of both roosters and hens and some will be mixes. plus pures from Meyer and mixes white egg from local, below is who is left... More pic to come.

of the last four one is zipping-blue, and the others may hatch tonight, or tomorrow, or not. Last 4 are 2 from Meyers, and 2 from bella haga.
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I need some help/ advice. I just checked my eggs in the incubator like I do every time I am heading into a hatch. Well what looked like a non-pipped egg turned out to be a pipped egg but backwards. That in itself wouldn’t be so bad except the whole external pip was covered in this yellowish crust. It appeared to be covering the bulk of the beak.
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this is the majority of the piece I pulled off.
The chick inside is taking shallow breaths that
are super hard to tell they are even happening.

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This is the opening I created in clearing the crush and crud away from the beak.

I think this chick is also malpositioned as I can see the wing when I candle in the egg. As well as the membrane is pulled away from the shell inside on over half the egg, and of course this chick seems to have jabbed through outside of it.

how worried should I be about what I am seeing? I don’t plan on messing with it till morning that way it gets another 8 to 9hours of resting now that it can for sure get air. Any advice for me?

In all the eggs I have hatched I have never had anything like this, but granted they have mainly been duck eggs.

I'm not sure if someone already responded to this. I'm really late but it may have ruptured the yolk sac. I've never seen this myself but it's the only thing coming to mind. Fingers crossed for the little one. I'm not sure what to tell you to expect if it is.
Calling the June hatch today. Out of 20 shipped eggs, 13 hatched.
3-Speckled Sussex
4-Olive Eggers
3-Partridge Rocks
3-Blue Andalusians (2 blue, 1 black)
Overall, for shipped eggs, I will call it a success. Pictures to come when everyone has settled a bit.
Set my new batch of shipped eggs about 15 minutes ago. All 22 of them, upright, humidity at 40%. A new adventure has begun.
That's a good hatch and a variety. Though mine were chicks and not eggs, I just got some more Partridge Rocks yesterday in the mail.
Where did your eggs from the hatched group come from. How about the one you just set.

(I'm not nosy....I think I'm just becoming a hatching addict)

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