June Hatch-A-Long

No I totally agree. That’s why I asked. I know it matters .... I’m just trying to see how much it matters versus my convenience factor and long term aspect of keeping the geese if that’s what I decide to do. My kid realllllly likes them and we have been talking about it for a while but I still think it’s going to be a transition for him since we spend SO much time at home.

I wonder what kind of mobile thing I could do. 5 geese is just a lot for that. Hmmmm.
Suskovich tractor? I have three geese, pretty young, in one now. I move it when the grass starts to look... um... manky? Every 2-3 days or so--I'll probably let them in with my mobile chicken flock when they get big enough not to be bullied. I had built a nest platform into this tractor because I was keeping chickens in it last summer, so there's a nice spot for them to curl up in.
I have 19 eggs in the incubator (barnyard mixes)

They’re all different ages. Sadly I didn’t mark them 😔 well I marked the two oldest ones, but that’s it.

Anyway 2-4 seem to be quitters and 1 looks infertile.

So that leaves me with 14 eggs :fl

I haven’t done an eggtopsy on the 5 since I wanted to wait a little longer even though I’m like 80% sure of my verdict.
It's day 19 and we have our first pip. A little bit early but we ar very excited

Had some cuddles with our two little day 20 early birds today. Light brahmas both from the same mama hen. They were the smallest eggs and in the warmest spot (I didn’t know to move eggs around in the incubator until I was going into lockdown. Could explain some of the quitters I had if they were in colder spots 😬).

now, we just wait for the other 4 to pip!

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