So as of this morning we have one out and 4 more external pips. Loads of talking going on back and forth between these eggs and the one chick that is out so hopefully he'll talk them into getting moving and hatching already lol.

So as of this morning we have one out and 4 more external pips. Loads of talking going on back and forth between these eggs and the one chick that is out so hopefully he'll talk them into getting moving and hatching already lol.

And I have three out of 4 external pips in the incubator!

Whoo hoo! Another exciting hatch day! I hope it goes smoothly for both of you! :celebrate
Oh boy it's starting!
The 3 early birds (a broody duck lay in them for a few days before setting) have internally pipped. One was yellow when I candled yesterday morning. That's a baaad sign, something not right with the climate in there. I perforated the shell to the aircell with a needle, and it's still alive, I can see the beak moving. Phew! That was a close one.
Didn't get a good shot of it, but look how funky, gooey and weird it is in there. Anticipating major assistance on this one...
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I'm gonna pin-prick every single internal pip in this batch. Not being able to externally pip and suffocating is the main reason for death this year, not having that this time around! I use a needle to get the tiniest possible opening, so not to dry out the membrane.
View attachment 1834243
Wow! So are you thinking sticky chick due to high humidity? Best of luck with the hatch!!!:fl
So as of this morning we have one out and 4 more external pips. Loads of talking going on back and forth between these eggs and the one chick that is out so hopefully he'll talk them into getting moving and hatching already lol.

Congratulations!!!! :loveDo you have video of these guys?:pop Can’t find it now!

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