I'm with DD! I'm sure someone has eaten a rooster that I gave away, I'm not even against eating them myself, I just can't do the deed, and my husband is an even bigger softy than I am. :lau

The broodies are doing great! Still co-parenting and just an observation but the Frosted Legbar and Whiting's True Blue Chicks are way smarter than the Mottled Orpingtons, lol. I constantly see that broody walking in circles trying to lead them to where she's headed. Watching the differences with the co-parenting vs single broody has been really interesting actually! One hen will take a chick to the waterer while the others continue to forage with the other broody. When they see a hawk, one mom runs to hide with the chicks and the other stands in place making a racket for a while before following them. It could all be chance but it certainly seems intentional!

I definitely need to get some better pictures soon, they're growing so fast!

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I love the idyllic pictures of your moms and chicks!!!! It’s really cool that you have this cooarentling going on... It’s sounds like the one who stands and alerts is taking the rooster role? So you have Roos as well? I love the lace patterned hen too! Did you say that she’s a blue laced red Wyandotte?
I love the idyllic pictures of your moms and chicks!!!! It’s really cool that you have this cooarentling going on... It’s sounds like the one who stands and alerts is taking the rooster role? So you have Roos as well? I love the lace patterned hen too! Did you say that she’s a blue laced red Wyandotte?

I don't keep roosters though I often have young roosters from my grow outs. I was thinking the same thing though! She's the hen that is high on the pecking order so I guess she decided to be the roo.
Yes, she's a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, she's very low on the pecking order and had always been really quiet and gentle with other chickens and people.
Omg do ducks literally grow at the speed of light?!?

We had a little video shoot today with all kinds of cuteness.




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