With my ducks that pipped on the bottom I would move the eggs to the backup Hatcher whenever I needed to grab a duckling out, being afraid those eggs would have major difficulties if it rolled. The only two eggs I’ve ever lost out 100 hatched so far are two eggs that pipped, one bottom and one in air cell, but both were rolled to the bottom of the incubator and never hatched.

Is moving them so they don’t get rolled something I should be doing?

Aaaaaaand a chocolate mottled orp is pipped! :)

I have not heard ONE peep, from internals, or these external pips. They're moving, so I assume everything is okay, but it's weird they are so so quiet. It feels like a Monday morning hatch, dreary outside, and quiet inside, and like the chicks partied a little too hard in their shells over the weekend.
Many of my June/July hatches are already free ranging (or yarding since I live in a rural city with a small yard) Some started out free ranging (broody mom) as soon as mama bird took them out of their broody box. They now roost outside and I have to go find tiny little Ayam Cemani Chicks roosting in the pallet fences. They won't live in the coop I have for Juvenile birds. They would rather forage than go to the feeder in there. In a way I kinda like it but sometimes after sunset when I close the coops I want to get a shower and relax and instead I am looking for tiny little stubborn birds. Others are in the large outdoor brooder and will be moved to a smaller integration brooder inside the Juvenile Bird coop. The down grade is just a couple of days because I open the door on that after a night or 2 depending on how crowded things are in the Juvenile Coop. and the youngest, the ones that hatched a little over a week ago are still indoors in 2 different brooders. I added CX I got from TSC and some will be training CX to forage.
Many of my June/July hatches are already free ranging (or yarding since I live in a rural city with a small yard) Some started out free ranging (broody mom) as soon as mama bird took them out of their broody box. They now roost outside and I have to go find tiny little Ayam Cemani Chicks roosting in the pallet fences. They won't live in the coop I have for Juvenile birds. They would rather forage than go to the feeder in there. In a way I kinda like it but sometimes after sunset when I close the coops I want to get a shower and relax and instead I am looking for tiny little stubborn birds. Others are in the large outdoor brooder and will be moved to a smaller integration brooder inside the Juvenile Bird coop. The down grade is just a couple of days because I open the door on that after a night or 2 depending on how crowded things are in the Juvenile Coop. and the youngest, the ones that hatched a little over a week ago are still indoors in 2 different brooders. I added CX I got from TSC and some will be training CX to forage.
That’s awesome! I love babies foraging.

I bet those ages are close enough to get those CX moving. I’ve got a few that follow around the ranting birds right now and it’s such a shock to see a Cornish plodding a long around the corner.
Little baby! A second has hatched as well, an EE. I’m trying to figure out the breed on this little dude. The dad is an easter egger, and his mom has to be either Polish, White Leghorn, Brown Leghorn, or Salmon Favorelle (s/he came from a white egg.). It is blue/grey with a white dot on his head, but it can’t be a sexlink because his mom wouldn’t be barred...
Little baby! A second has hatched as well, an EE. I’m trying to figure out the breed on this little dude. The dad is an easter egger, and his mom has to be either Polish, White Leghorn, Brown Leghorn, or Salmon Favorelle (s/he came from a white egg.). It is blue/grey with a white dot on his head, but it can’t be a sexlink because his mom wouldn’t be barred...View attachment 1862989

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